How do you hear about your decision??

<p>I would assume first you hear online and then after you get an official acceptance letter, is that correct? Do you get a separate acceptance letter and scholarship letter or do they come in the same envelope? </p>


<p>Not sure, but I don’t think anything will happen before Feb 1.</p>

<p>And at that point, you’ll get an email and your status will be updated in your myUM page. Then, you’ll receive the “official-suitable-for-framing” letter maybe a week later with the scholarship decision.</p>

<p>You mean after waiting until February 1 (or so) for the online decision we have to wait another week for the letter with scholarship info? I am trying so hard not to think about this… DS and I head down to FL on Feb. 16; hopefully, we will have all the news by then. He’d like to visit again and sit in on a class or two this time (they only allow this for accepted students, I was previously told).</p>

<p>(Wuhandrummer - You and my DS must have the same interests as I see you over on the Tulane board too. And DS got the same Tulane award as you did.)</p>

<p>Back in 2011, my D received her acceptance email on the last Friday of January (28th), then on the following Wednesday, Feb 2nd she got her official acceptance letter (big fat package actually) in the mail. Included with the acceptance letter was another letter telling her which scholarship she had received. So, the acceptance packages were probably placed in the US mail the same date that the emails went out. </p>

<p>It seems like they did things a bit differently than that in 2012 (others will have to chime in here) and they may change it up again in Jan/Feb of 2013.</p>

<p>Congrats on the Tulane offers!</p>

<p>Zinc- Not sure if you would be able to answer this question but i received 22k to Tulane, can you comment on whether or not you think Miami is more lenient or strict as compared to Tulane with merit aid?</p>

<p>So it seems like first you find out online then about a week later receive letter and scholarship info in the same package?</p>

<p>Can’t comment on Tulane at all, compared to UM, in terms of scholarship generosity. You may be able to infer some conclusions based on looking at their Common Data Set information re: merit-based financial aid. I’ll let you do that leg work ;)</p>

<p>Your 2nd paragraph is correct, except that it’s really only a few days wait.</p>

<p>If I recall correctly, my son’s on-line acceptance last year had his scholarship offer in the e-mail. It made it an extra nice acceptance! Many other schools he applied to did the same and several sent scholarship offers at a later date.</p>


<p>Just thought I’d share :)</p>

<p>I know…we just want to know!!! I wish we didn’t have to wait until February!!</p>

<p>DS told me today he has a friend who asks him every day if he has heard from Miami. He keeps telling him: not till February. February isn’t feeling like "early " action right now!</p>

<p>so do you hear through email? I applied ED and I havent heard ANYTHING yet!!! I am freaking out… someone please help!!!</p>

<p>No, I believe you must check your MyUM account online for your decision. Let us know how it goes!</p>