How do you if a becoming a Vet is right for you??

<p>I'm thinking of becoming a vet because I love animals and I want to help them. But I'm scared of performing surgery on them but maybe i can get over that. Sometimes, I'm kinda scared to touch big scary animals but will volunteering at an animal shelter increase my abilities to interact with animals? Also, have you ever got bitten by a dog as a vet?</p>

<p>As a veterinarian, it is required of you to perform surgery on animals.
Volunteer or “career shadow” at a veterinary clinic. You’ll get more in-depth and better experience observing there than you would at an animal shelter.
It isn’t just an animal coming it with a broke leg and wrapping it up. It’s gruesome things. There is eye removals, removing legs, sometimes decapitating (removing the head) of a rabbid animal, having animals come in during an emergency completely covered in blood, with open wounds, etc.</p>

<p>There is ALWAYS a risk of getting bit by any animal, but precautions are often taken to prevent this, although, they are never 100% certain.</p>

<p>(I work as a veterinary assistant)</p>

<p>I’m in a Veterinary Internship and I love it. I love the aspect of helping and caring for animals, it’s just really fascinating. I had doubts whether I could step to the plate and become a veterinarian. Volunteering or participating in an internship is a great way to see what a veterinarian does everyday.</p>