How does a sweet Bama girl answer War Eagle?

<p>So DD and I were having dinner last night and we saw some ladies at a table nearby who live in our neighborhood. They asked DD where she was going to school and when she answered, one of the non-neighbors put her hands in the air and said, “War Eagle!” I wondered at first if she just had her schools mixed up, but then I realized she’d attended that “other” school. Is there a polite, southern way to answer back besides the obvious, “Roll Tide”?</p>

<p>Why yes, of course there is such an answer.
It is that ol faithful southern response used when we feel pity on another but
do not want to make them feel even worse.<br>
A simple, “bless your heart” will suffice</p>

<p>Rmft !!!</p>

<p>Hey, CC does not let you type that in all caps. Try it and see.</p>

<p>Too funny! As a Michigander, I’m starting to use Bless your heart more when appropriate. I laugh because not until recently did I fully understand Bless your heart!</p>

<p>Well, my youngest is pretty sweet, but she takes her football VERY SERIOUSLY. She would answer 49-0 (this past year) or 42-14 (year before) and Roll Tide, y’all!</p>

<p>Roll Tide Roll!!</p>

<p>Hahahaha, so out to dinner tonight we were sitting on the patio of a local restaurant. A neighbor and their little son about 5 years old walked by and stopped to chat. Hardcore aggie fans they are. Little boy saw the “A” on the side of DH’s ballcap. He started growling. LOL! It was pretty cute. DH entertained him. </p>

<p>Here in Texas the aggies think that Alabama is their BIG rival. I mean B-I-G RIVAL! Like serious rival. Funny thing is that in Alabama everyone is like, “oh, Texas A&M, okay”. aggies don’e realize that Alabamas big rivals are set in stone. And a&m is NOT one of them. LOL!</p>

<p>ROLL TIDE!</p>

<p>A simple smile is all that is needed. It is very common in AL to have that happen over and over again. It’s part of the culture here.</p>

<p>No further conversation needed. The proper protocol is a complete shun along with delivering an air of superiority.</p>

<p>No, don’t do that. We have relatives and close friends who are graduates and fans of that other state university. Misguided, yes, but what can you do? Persuade their offspring to correct the parents’ mistake, of course.</p>

<p>A pitying smile, a “bless your heart” murmured. And a reminder of the results of the last two years.</p>

<p>You don’t want to make 'em too mad. After all…they know where you live!!</p>

<p>Haha! TX, I forgot all about “bless your heart”!!! That would have been the perfect response. Sweet (with that underlying southern aggression…)</p>

<p>Play your Rammer Jammer ringtone? :)</p>

<p>Affect a pitying visage and, in the tone used by the knight at the end of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, simply state, “You chose . . . poorly.”</p>

<p>I’m sorry…I’m not familiar with war beagle</p>