Any Bama vs. Auburn Subtle Phrases?

<p>Other than “Roll Tide”, are there any other (less obvious) phrases one could use to slip into a speech (that has nothing to do with football or college) that would signify love for UA and the opposite for Auburn?</p>

<p>This one is probably just our family but my mom went to UA and her sister went to Auburn- so we would greet our aunt with “War Turkey”. She didn’t care for that very much.</p>

<p>Barners for Auburn (AU-BARN)…they do have the ag majors and vet school…and Alabama fans are called Bamer’s in return…just a little friendly in state banter :slight_smile: and for those of you interested in more detail google the ESPN film Roll Tide, War Eagle.</p>

<p>The ESPN film “Roll Tide, War Eagle” is on Netflix, and I highly recommend it. The short they did on “Ghost of Mississippi” was excellent as well. Barner fits quite well for them, I must admit… :)</p>

<p>Pull out a $100 bill and say, “Did you know that all auburn football players are issued one of these at the start of the season? All it takes is a C-note to remain eligible.”</p>

<p>OK, maybe that wasn’t exactly subtle. ;)</p>

<p>Subtle like a sharp stick poked in a beady eye, malanai.</p>

<p>Annually we present a “volunteer of the year” award named after a family member and presented to an individual to recognize service in a sports organization. Last year I mentioned that my son would be away at college for the 2013 award. President of sports league “B” asked son which school he was going to attend. Son said Alabama. “Where in Alabama?” son was asked with enthusiasm that turned to dismay when son said Tuscaloosa. I just know Barner B is going to slip in some remark during this year’s ceremony and I want to be prepared when it’s my turn to speak.</p>

<p>malanai: Ouch.
Go easy on some of us – we have to swim in both pools!</p>

<p>Sorry, bumpy train, double post.</p>

<p>Actually, now I’m thinking that I should quote Saban re: hard work and dedication to results and compliment award recipient…</p>

<p>Just quoting Saban would probably be enough to get “B’s” goat … and still segue nicely into congrats.</p>

<p>audellmom, that’s what I’m going to do. And I’m sorry about your situation – but at least you’ll have an interesting Thanksgiving weekend and one happy (crimson) child every year.</p>



<p>My apologies. It was such low hanging fruit. ;)</p>

<p>Some of my best friends are Auburn alumni.</p>

<p>The best “subtle” swipe at Auburn I’ve heard kind of requires one to know how to use the phrase, “bless your heart.” If you don’t know, I’ll let southern natives explain it.</p>

<p>So, using your Bless Your Heart voice, when a Tigers fan/alum is lamenting the sad state of Auburn this or that, just give a sympathetic look and say:</p>

<p>“Oh my. Well, war eagle anyway, I suppose?”</p>

<p>I love the “bless your heart” phrase. I recently used it in response to those who think Calif schools are beautiful. Only those who’ve never seen beautiful schools would think that way. </p>

<p>Bless their hearts. </p>


<p>Hey, now, “bless your heart” is often used sincerely, too.
Another way to get an Aub’s goat would be to use the phrase, “all in,” in a subtly derogatory manner. “All in” is what their former coach used to rally the troops when reports of cheating, payoffs etc. began to circulate.
Don’t be too mean, though. They’re fixin’ to go through some bad times. It could have happened to us.
And besides, when you have Aubs in the family, payoff is hell.</p>

<p>Orange and Blue - Kinda reminds me of the orange jumpsuits and blue lights I see by the highway.</p>