How does Pitt's own application differ from Common App?

Our daughter is applying to Pitt. SRAR and official SAT scores sent. We are hesitant to use Common App so soon after it opened. How does Pitt’s own application differ from the Common App? Can a resume be submitted? Thanks!

Because applications can and do change, the only way to be sure about the differences is for your D to create a Pitt account, as well as a common app account and compare them.

If she uses the Pitt app and it doesn’t allow a resume to be attached (same for Pitt in the common app), she can likely send one directly to her AO and/or upload it in the portal after applying (make sure Pitt allows submission of ‘extras’ like a resume…which should be clear on their application instructions web page).

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I’m curious as to why? If a student applies to Pitt using the common app, they are not going to be penalized for that instead of Pitt’s own app.

Pitt wants as many people to apply as possible and that’s why they are on the common app.

It is possible that there could be some extra thing on their own app that may not necessarily be on the Common App. Years ago, I saw on a college’s website that they would accept a parent letter of rec if it was submitted to an email address. So by all means, have a look to see if there are differences, but there is no reason I can think of not to use Common App, unless applying to more than 20 colleges.


She has a common app application in progress for all schools but she hasnt linked it to Naviance yet and her school guidance team is not available during the summer so if she haa Naviance issues no one is accessible.

If she creates a Pitt app for comparison with Common App but then doesnt send it, will there be confusion as she started in their app but submitted via Cmon App. I saw a few schools say to apply using either pption (but not both) so trying to avoid any duplication. Do you know what i mean?

I can’t think of any reason not to use Common App for any school that offers, provided you don’t plan to go over 20.

It’s got everything you need in one place.

As for submitting the resume, you’d do so here as a supplement.

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Last year there was several weeks delay for common app to submit the application to Pittsburgh. Some people also had issues getting the SRAR link after submitting the common app.

S24 found the Pitt App to be pretty straight forward and the SRAR customer support was able to help him with one minor issue he had.


There is a spot in the Pitt App to upload resume or activities list. You can also copy paste personal essay (optional for those submitting test scores).
With the Pitt App you enter coursework into the SRAR immediately. With the common app you have to wait (upto a few days) to get the SRAR link.

S24 has filled out common app, but wants to submit the Pitt App because he feels like once it’s submitted he doesn’t have to wait around for links.

He did have a resume ready, so it wasn’t extra work.


Yes, same here. She has a resume already prepared to upload so i think she’d prefer that to transcribing all of it to the Common App template. And i also like texh support for the Pitt app if something doesnt work as expected.

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S24 was not feeling well so I took notes for him at the Pitt workshop.
A few interesting observations -

  • 80% of the applicants use the Common App (and there is no preference)

  • The AO said that they evaluate the applicants submitting test scores and the TO students separately. There are two piles (her exact words), one with scores and the other TO. This is the first time I’ve heard this detail.

  • I was struck by how much they emphasized submitting the personal essay and resume. I think there was one mention of it being optional, followed by a BUT. They spent a lot of time emphasizing that they really want to get to know you. They never said you don’t need it if you are submitting test scores. They also spent a significant amount of time on what to put in the essay. My takeaway was that if a student is serious about U Pitt, they should submit an essay and resume.

  • They DO NOT WANT letters of recommendation. They were very clear on that.

  • The committee will start reviewing applications in early September and decisions will come out 4-6 weeks after that. This is a little different from their website which states that decisions will be 6-8 weeks after submission of application. Either way, we should not be surprised if the first decisions do not come till late September.

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Does anyone know if they said last year that they would not review apps until September? I think the first students were seeing acceptance on Aug 31st/September 1st with reviews starting around Aug 15th so that is a big difference this year. Was kind of hoping they were saying they start reviewing in September as in that is when the first decisions go out. Let’s see.

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Thank you for the summary!
My daughter submitted thia AM via Pitt’s app and did personal statement and resume. She also applied to the Honors College whi ch requires its own essay. The SRAR was part of it.
One comment she nade was that she didn’t receive the automated email confirming her application. It’s been about 4 hours so no one is worried but wondering if that was discussed during last night’s call? I think she just wants to confirm all was received/processed.
PS, a friendly tip. She uploaded her resume PDF and all seemed to process successfully UNTIL she went back to check before final app submission and noticed that the PDF was no longer there so suggest everyone doublecheck their materials before submitting. Once she re- added it, it seemed fine.


Yes, I remember that this was discussed last year (at the same online workshop) and they said that they would not start reviewing apps until September.

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Son says he also has not received any automated email confirmation and he submitted this morning as well.

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Typically, on common anyway, it takes maybe up to a day. Someone has to log it or accept it.

Give two days and then call.

This is common.


I thought the counselors mentioned on the workshop call that you can access the SRAR on their website and as long as you use the same email as the common app it will sync up. Essentially you don’t have to wait for that email. Probably does not matter either way if you are applying this early.


Did your son get his email? My daughter still hasnt received the automated email that they have her application and the response she got via email suggestes the respondent didn-t read the email very closely.

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Just received an hour ago. (For others reading, applied 8/2, got email from Pitt and instructions for creating Pitt Portal account on 8/7 in 3 business days)

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Yep, I literallybgot your response as she was setting up her portal. Thanks for the quick response.

My daughter got an email from Pitt last night to activate her account (it’s already been activated). Wondering if others received this? Wondering if they may release some decisions early.
