How does the BU Med Program stack up?

<p>How does the BU Med Program stack up in comparison with others? Is it considered one of the better programs or is it considered one of the less reputable ones? Also how selective is it?</p>

<p>I’m in the BU program so obviously I might be biased, but I know that everyone in the program turned down other similar programs and top ivies to come to the BU program. For example, I turned down USC Bacc/MD for the BU program. So, it’s definitely one of the better programs.
The program is definitely one of the more selective ones, maybe just one notch down in terms of selectivity from Northwestern’s HPME. I know that many of the people in the BU program applied for HPME and a good number of them got interviews too.</p>

<p>It’s an excellent program to apply to. Also gives you superb research opportunities. Has an excellent neuroscience group (though not the caliber of WashU or UCLA but pretty good all the same). Being in Boston is way better than being in ANY other place in the US IMO. </p>

<p>On Day -1 to applic deadline, DS realized that he had missed out one of the key requirements for BS/MD program (he had all science/math LORs and BU needed one humanities LOR) , therefore ended up switching his application from BS/MD program to BS. Was accepted with a 50% ride at BU… but chose to select the BS/MD at UMDNJ instead.</p>

<p>Bottom line - pay very close attention to their requirements!! They change them every so often. </p>

<p>John, I think they support everyone who gets accepted at least 50%, right?</p>

<p>No, actually I don’t think they give out scholarships to everyone at BU’s program. I’m not sure exactly on the numbers, but some do get merit scholarships while others don’t. I was very lucky in that I got a full ride but there are a good number of people in the program that didn’t get any scholarships (outside of any need based aid they might qualify for of course).</p>