How Does the UC System Calculate GPA?

<p>Wait...whattt~ So my UC GPA is lower than I expected? The 8 point cap thing is really unfair...what if I took more than 8 semesters of AP classes?!</p>

<p>Is the UC GPA/Eligibility Index Score significant?...B/c don't they look at the types of classes you take too..and holistically? =/</p>

<p>eligibility index score isn't worth ****. you dont seem to need to have stats above like 2.5 and 1000 SAT to be "eligible". i think the purpose of that is to just scrape the people off the bottom who have zero chance of getting in.</p>

<p>Jazzy J - Well, would it be fair for students that went to schools that didn't offer as much AP/Honors classes? Unweighted GPA is important as well in any case. Those indexes are there so that people have an idea of the minimum scores to be considered at any UC. Acceptance is a whole different thing --- yes they are comprehensively reviewed; scores, courseload/difficulty, ECs, essays, etc. are considered.</p>

<p> when UC's release their avg GPA' UCLA for example..and it's around 4.2, then that's referring to the Eligibility Score?</p>

<p>Only 8? WHY!? That's a stupid rule... I have 10 :(</p>

<p>alice, I think the point is that there are huge disparities among CA schools when it comes to the number of AP courses offered, period. Some publics (& privates) offer 20 or more; others offer 5 or fewer. Further, high school policies differ widely. Some allow freshman to take AP's; others, only Jrs. & Srs. Some require a stepped sequence leading to that AP course; others are unregulated. This builds tremendous inequalities into the comparative data. Hence, the baseline.</p>

<p>Nevetheless, beyond that 8-semester level, your whole record is in fact looked at. And students who take many more than 8 semesters (but don't make the ELC cut) often are eligible for 'added points' anyway, because the total number of a-g classes are always counted in as an extra qualifier, even though those won't be 'weighted' for gpa. </p>

<p>Finally, they will look qualitatively at your record as one which included 'tough/toughest' courseload, versus those who barely have 8 semesters of Honors or AP's</p>

<p>to add to epiphany's comments....the 8 semester cap is for minimum admissions eligibility only. Each app reader can see the capped gpa AND the uncapped, even if not elc.</p>

<p>If you get a D, you're not looking too good for alot of the UC's lol</p>

<p>i just recently got a D in my AP Government class. i applied to the UC System and was wondering how this can affect my chances. since it is an AP class is it weighted as a C and receive a 2 towards my gpa??</p>

<p>From the UC website:
Honors Courses: The University assigns extra points for up to eight semesters of University-certified honors-level and Advanced Placement courses taken in the last three years of high school: A=5 points, B=4 points, C=3 points. No more than two yearlong UC-approved honors level courses taken in the 10th grade may be given extra points. **A grade of D in an honors or advanced placement course does not earn extra points.**
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>not only is it not weighted, but you'll find that the UCs aren't too kind to senior-itis. I believe that you have to maintain a 3.0 senior year or they will rescind your admission.</p>

<p>yea but the thing is it wasnt senioritis at all. i truly struggled with this class.</p>

<p>Wait, I’m confused. How do you know if your school’s honors class is weighted for UC’s? Because my sophomore year I took honors English and Honors Chem. and my junior year I took honors spanish. I calculated it and my weighted GPA was a 3.95, which seems pretty high (not that I’m complaining) but my school GPA is around a 3.79.</p>

<p>Alice – yes, Honors Chem typicaly earns a bonus point, but Soph Honors English does not. But in your case, you have at least the max 8 bonus points for UC gpa calc. Honors Span IV (assuming it’s a fourth year not a fourth semester) automatically qualifies for a bonus point regardless in what year you take it.</p>

<p>Some honors courses at your hs will be considered honors for UC gpa, but others not. Best way to find out is to contact your counselor. They have a list of all the courses your school offers and which are considered UC honors as well as which are a-g classes. I think you can also find it online at the UC pathways website, but not sure.</p>

<p>Enter your high school name and your can have your school’s UC certified course list and its honor type.
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>^ = error link on my computer.</p>

<p>epiphany, see if this works, click on the “a-g Course Lists” yellow button
[University</a> of California Doorways Home](<a href=“]University”></p>

<p>I’ve said it many times before, and I’ll say it again: for top tier UCs UNCAPPED weighted GPA is the most important factor in actual application evaluation. I have it confirmed from UC admission staff that while the 8 point capped GPA is indeed used, it is used for eligibility only. If you’re not trying for SC, R, or M and you haven’t gotten all Cs in weighted classes, you really shouldn’t even care about the cap; it’s simply not important.</p>

<p>I think a “D” automatically disqualifies one from the UC system. Does anyone know this for sure?</p>