How exactly do UCs calculate gpa?

<p>I’m hearing everything from “they don’t even look at freshman grades” to “they get everything up to the first half of senior year”, and even more confusing info on how they have their own weighting system. Could someone clear this up for me?</p>

<p>10th and 11th grade only. UC-approved academic courses only. Up to 8 semesters (4 year-long courses) of AP or UC-approved honors courses given extra weight.
from the UC website:
**Grade Point Average
To determine your eligibility, the University calculates your GPA in the "a-g" subjects by assigning point values to the grades you earn, totaling the points and dividing the total by the number of "a-g" courses. Points are assigned as follows: A=4 points, B=3 points, C=2 points, D=1 point, and F=0 points. (Pluses and minuses are not calculated in the grade point average.)
Only the grades you earn in "a-g" subjects in the 10th and 11th grades - including summer sessions - are used to calculate your preliminary GPA. Courses you took in ninth grade can be used to meet the Subject Requirement if you earned a grade of C or better, but they will not be used to calculate your GPA. </p>

<p>Honors Courses: The University assigns extra points for up to eight semesters of University-certified honors-level and Advanced Placement courses taken in the last three years of high school: A=5 points, B=4 points, C=3 points. No more than two yearlong UC-approved honors level courses taken in the 10th grade may be given extra points. A grade of D in an honors or advanced placement course does not earn extra points.**
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>they do "look" at Frosh grades -- they are included in the app --- UC just does not use Frosh grades for calculating the "UC gpa" for admissions eligibility. Neither are Senior grades used for UC gpa admissions eligibility.</p>

<p>Your eligibility for UC admission is based on the a-g grades in 10th and 11th grade. It is not the same as the Comprehensive Review. UC eligibility is the first screen. The second is the Comprehensive Review at each campus you apply to. In the Comprehensive Review, all your courses and grades (including 8th grade Algebra if you took it and your 12th grade course schedule) will be considered. It is possible for an accepted student who doesn't complete the listed 12th grade schedule or gets "senioritis" and makes a D or F, to have admission rescinded. That doesn't happen often, but it does happen.</p>