How does UC take into consideration of high school honors courses

Hello Folks:
My understanding is that not all honors courses in UC a-g list will get extra point. For example, the math,English and science courses in 9th and 10th grade don’t get extra point (I.e weighted). The weighting only started in 11th grade. Since the gpa from all 4 years are used to calculate the overall gpa, how do we give consideration to the fact that the honors courses in 9 and 10 are more rigorous than the regular one ? In other words, how is “course rigor” quantified? Thank you

Course rigor is a relatively minor consideration (relative to GPA and SAT/ACT). A 4.0 with easy but still a-g courses beats a 3.6 with a really challenging course-load.

UC publishes a list of courses that get the GPA bump for all CA high schools . Here’s a link

Anything not listed doesn’t get recognized as ‘hard’.