How does UM lean politically?

The UM Class of 2020 group message (huge text message for the incoming class to get to know each other) is full of vocal Trump supporters. I’m from GA and haven’t heard it this bad. They ran a girl out for saying she’s against him. I’m more left leaning and am concerned for whether or not I will feel comfortable on campus. Miami is such a diverse city, but Florida is a solidly swing state. Any current students, parents, alumni, etc., how would you describe UM’s politics? Obviously different schools of political thought will be anywhere, but hearing such avid support for Trump among people who have the potential to be my classmates is concerning. I mean, really, they’re going to hate the city of Miami if they view immigrants like their candidate does!!

Wow, that’s really alarming to me. Son was accepted to Frost and it’s in his top two. Had no idea it had such a big and vocal right wing presence. That…stinks.

Isnt college a place where you get to learn new idea and experiences? Maybe learn to deal with people who have different views and politically leanings. Why would you want your kids to go to any school that only has one viewpoint on anything. Do you think right wingers shoulld to go their schools and left wingers should go to their school? When did diversity become different skin color and different nationality but not diversity of thought.

*Things white (Christian, straight) people say.

Music schools swing left

Call me crazy, but “blatant racism” shouldn’t have to be one of those new experiences.

I couldn’t really find what looked like a "legit’ Facebook group for Michigan.

Oops…sorry…wrong UM. :wink:

Yeah, that’s one of the reasons why I left the UM 2020 Groupme… According to student reviews on sites like unigo, however, UM tends to be more liberal. I guess the Trump supporters are just more vocal

If you look on niche, um tends to be more democratic than republican.

I saw Trump signs on campus when I was there a couple weeks ago. Didn’t notice other candidates.

Don’t define your college life by politics, we’re all members of the school community first and foremost, that should be grounds for outreach and not division.

I’m surprised to hear that about UM actually . . . ??

There was a Republican debate held on campus earlier this month just prior to the Florida primary, so there were many signs for republican candidates (we were visiting the campus just prior to the debate). I do not know which way Miami leans, but they have held several debates over the years - general election, Democratic and Republican alike.