How Does Your GMAT Score Correlate With Your SAT Scores?

<p>I'm curious if your SAT scores were a good indicator of what you ended up scoring on the GMAT.</p>

<p>I’ve been looking for this as well. This paper looks at average score by college major, which provides some insight.</p>

<p>[SSRN-Econ</a> Majors Score Well on the GMAT Too! by Terry D. Monson, Paul Nelson](<a href=“]SSRN-Econ”></p>

<p>In my searches, I’ve stumbled across the [GMAT</a> Club Forum](<a href=“GMAT Club - Leading Forum for GMAT Prep and MBA Admissions”>GMAT Club - Leading Forum for GMAT Prep and MBA Admissions), which looks to be the CC for MBA’s. GMAT/SAT correlation is discussed on [this</a> thread](<a href=“GMAT Expert Advice, Strategies and News for GMAT Preparation”>GMAT/SAT Score Correlation : General GMAT Questions and Strategies).</p>

<p>From what I can tell, the GMAT should correlate pretty well with the SAT, but with greater quantitative emphasis.</p>

<p>In general, I’ve found GMAT scores to be roughly half of M+V SAT score. However, I have seen many people with mid to high 1200s SAT on the un-recentered scale bust out mid 700s on the GMAT. It’s also somewhat of a sliding scale as the GMAT scoring has changed by 20-30 points for the same %ile over the last decade.</p>

<p>^That makes sense, since the highest score for a GMAT is 800.</p>