How easy is it to get into Rutger's

<p>Im in state, and I keep hearing that if you live new jersey,Rutger's is really easy to get into. Is that True?</p>

<p>It's not all that easy to get into Rutgers College, but it's really easy to get into the lesser colleges like Livingston.</p>

<p>Things have changed. There are no "easy admit" colleges, but rather application to School of Arts and Sciences at Rutgers University or one of the professional colleges. There has been a dramatic surge in admissions, and the standards are high. Make no assumptions based on statistics from previous years.</p>

<p>Because you live in New Jersey, you have an advantage. But by no means is it REALLY easy to get in. </p>

<p>If you have a really high GPA (like around 3.7 and above) and SAT scores that are 500-600+ on each section, you have a good chance (if you are applying to the College of Arts and Science, that is).</p>

<p>The data from my highschool (In-state and very competitive):</p>

1310 SAT (M/V)</p>

<p>hope this helps!</p>

<p>It's pretty easy to get into compared to other universities in the eastern area. Basically, if you have a 3.0 or above GPA or 2000 or above on the SAT you're in. That's a guess based on stats from admitted applicants from this site. I mean, it does have about 50-60% acceptance rate.</p>

<p>Class rank is crucial, and there are no guarantees. B average will not suffice. There are over 35,000 applicants this year for c. 5,000 freshman slots. Good luck!</p>

<p>lorelei, that doesn't make sense. How can they have a 50-60% acceptance rate with those stats (would equal about a 14% acceptance rate) You mean 5,000 slots per college (NB, Newark, Camden), right?</p>

<p>RU does NOT have a 50-60% acceptance rate. It is easier to get in to Camden and Newark. However, New Brunswick is probably closer to 25-30%. Admissions in New Brunswick are running at close to a 1250 average (old SAT score) AND top 18 % of class. In pharmacy and engineering, virtually all acceptees have above 1300. </p>

<p>There is a new VP for Enrollment Management, and he is excellent. It is a different office and situation, and the consolidation of the colleges has affected the standards. Rutgers is a tough school, and its students do very well in the world, because the education is excellent. Ivy Law School students with undergraduate RU degrees tell me that they are better prepared for the work than their IVY graduate colleagues.</p>

<p>wow, you guys do not know what your talking about. NB doesn't have a 25% acceptance rate. Its not an ivy league. Look it up on college board. You probably nedd a 3.3 gpa or a 1100 on sat.</p>

<p>Things are different now, no matter what college board statistics say. For sure. As applications have increased, it is more competitive, especially in New Brunswick. Published statistics would be from prior years.</p>

<p>Latest figures from US News: average SAT for admittees, old scale, about 1200.</p>

There are over 35,000 applicants this year for c. 5,000 freshman slots.

wow that's about as high as some ivies</p>

<p>USNews info is not correct for this year's admitted class. When admissions numbers rise, standards rise. Good luck to all!</p>

<p>you keep saying that the information we have from accredited sources arent right.. but where are you getting you info from that is so valid?</p>

<p>i got in today, into new bruinwisk, out of state, i had a 1190 sat and an 3.1 average. Its not that difficult.</p>

<p>I had a 3.0 but really bad SAT scores. So I didn't get in. Needless to say I'm most likely going to West Virginia now. I got into Montclair but don't really wanna go there.</p>

<p>driftingxdream: My information is from well-placed sources, and it is accurate. Obviously there is are variables, but statistically the information is correct. It is much easier to gain admission to Camden and Newark, and certain majors within New Brunswick have stiffer requirements. Some majors would consider "talent"....those which are audition and portfolio based. As a general A & S applicant, the statistics of grades, rank, and scores are a strong indicator. Admissons does read every application, meaning it does not just enter those statistics and crank out a result. This information is from those involved in the process.</p>

<p>These acceptance stats are from 2006:</p>

<p>RUTGERS UNIVERSITY-NEW BRUNSWICK 24,434 14,961 61.2% </p>

<p>So I'm still estimating that there would be around a 50% acceptance rate. There's no way it could be 25-30%, that's almost an Ivy League rate!</p>

<p>Interestingly, Camden had a 56% acceptance rate back then.</p>

<p>But this is 2008, there are more than 10,000 more applicants, the yield is higher, fewer are admitted to accomplish the class, and therefore the % of acceptances is affected. It is what it is.........</p>