<p>I go to a very competitive NJ public school that sends more kids to ivies than to Rutgers each year. Most people apply to Rutgers as a safety and a way to know early on that they're at least going somewhere - and most of these people (including me) get acceptance letters in less than a week's time. The general attitude from my school seems to be that basically ANYONE in-state can get into Rutgers as long as their GPA is above a 2.0 ish. Everyone also seems to think it is very mediocre and a last resort at most.</p>
<p>I disagree with this opinion. Rutgers seems like a pretty good school, and with a $10,000/yr scholarship, it is definitely the cheapest option for me. I also have a friend who really wants to go to Rutgers, but has a GPA of about 2.9UW and an SAT score of around 1700/2400. She has done a lot of community service work though, has many leadership activities, and wrote an excellent essay. She applied back in November to Rutgers New Brunswick (College of Arts & Sciences) but still hasn't received a response. This seems to contradict the opinion of our school towards Rutgers.</p>
<p>Basically, I'm wondering if Rutgers is really THAT easy to be accepted to, and if there's any truth to my school's opinion of the university.</p>
<p>I know some people that applied to Rutgers early as well. I'm in a public school in NJ. Most people I know assumed that if they applied before the Priority date, they'll find out sometime in Feb.</p>
<p>I don't think it is really easy to get in. It is not like the school takes everybody who apply. There are poeple who get rejected, since there is a 50-something percent acceptance.</p>
<p>If I recall, one user on here stated that he/she had a 3.0 and got rejected, so even people with a 3.0 or so GPA can get denied.</p>
<p>I graduated in 2007 and I never heard of a single student that got rejected from Rutgers. Granted, I also went to a competitive, public school in NJ. But even the kids I kind of suspected weren't too bright or were just lazy (too much partying, not enough studying) managed to get in.</p>
<p>I'm not saying it's impossible to get rejected, just (if you're in state) I believe it's pretty difficult. </p>
<p>I agree with 21&invincible though- easy to get in, perhaps not so easy to stay in. I do know a girl who went to NB, wound up on academic probation and dropped out later on. I'm sure rutgers is just like any other college in regards to students failing, dropping out, etc.</p>
<p>Damn lol. I just googled "applying to Rutgers early" and this was like the third result and it's terrible. Rutgers isn't THAT easy to get into, maybe for people like you guys who don't really go out much, so to speak. I don't really like how you guys criticize the school so much, especially cause certain schools in Rutgers are very, very good. For instance, the Pharmacy school is one of the best in the nation, the undergrad business school is consistently in the top-50 by BusinessWeek. Overall, I would just say, Rutgers to some, including me, is still a good school, so there's no real reason to be insulting the school, especially when the original poster themself might want to go there and then one of their friends is also very interested in the school. Damn son.</p>
<p>i agree with coderd20. it is a respected school that most you guys are criticizing. Of course, its a state school so just like any other, its easier to get into in-state. But people from out of state see that it is respected among other good schools</p>
<p>yeah, it’s not like a reach school, but I know people who have gotten rejected. they’re also receiving more and more applicants so it’s getting more competitive.</p>
<p>Erm, I wouldn’t say that it is “pretty easy”. I think if you have a high GPA (above 3.5) and an average SAT score (like 500+ each section) you might have a chance.</p>
<p>But it is becoming competitive because of the increasing number of applicants. Times are hard now =(</p>
<p>you’re retarted satkid2, and your little buddy cvcknight is a moron too
rutgers is one of the premier public ivy’s in the north east and one of the best public research institutions in the nation. its nationally accredited and is respected by people all over the world. just because they give opportunities to so many in NJ to study there doesnt make it a lowly school. its actually great that they give the opportunity to so many. so before you talk down upon it, think twice. rutgers is a great school. sure, its not that hard to get in from in state, but its not because it sucks.</p>
<p>satkid2, you are a moron. GPA CAP and SAT CAP? As in, Rutgers stops accepting applicants once their SAT scores reach a certain level? Oh man, this kid seems like he’s a good kid but his 4.3 GPA and 2300 SATs are just too good for our school, we don’t want him! Denied.</p>
<p>And find one person who gets accepted into the Business School with a 2.5 and a 1500. Not even the Business School, you can’t get into SAS with that. 3.5 and a 1500 and you’re probably not getting into SAS.</p>
<p>…exactly codered20. and try getting into the pharmacy program with those stats, its ranked #2 in the nation for 6 year programs
stop trying, satkid2, you cant defend your stupidity…</p>