What do you mean by that? Like do you mean that they would just reject the person and not even read the essay if a persons GPA is around that range or below? </p>
<p>Yeah, anything is possible…but seriously dude, I hate how you try to show G.P down, instead of trying to appreciate him using HIS time to answer your posts, he’s just trying to be realistic, and doesn’t want your hopes to get up a lot because of your statistics because if your hopes are high and you don’t get in then your hope shatters…so he is just trying to keep it at a realistic level and not trying to tell you that you wont get in just for his contentment…</p>
<p>OP, some schools you should consider with your stats: Northeastern, University of Pittsburgh, Case Western,Ohio State University, University of Texas-Austin, Michigan State University, University of Maryland-College Park.</p>
<p>I didn’t think I would make it in either, but I did. I had a strong upward trend during high school, and I think I wrote a good essay. It all comes down to the rigor of your courses, and how grade inflated (or deflated) your high school is known to be. My high school was without a doubt, one of the hardest in the country. That fact, combined with my EC’s, and essay, made up for my subpar GPA. One day I randomly check Buzzport, and bam I was admitted into one of the world’s finest engineering schools. You do have a chance, so it’s better to go for it rather than regret it later.</p>
<p>Well, if you go to that link, there’s someone with a 3.5 UWGPA + 1130 SAT that claimed to get in early decision. Unless he was a 5-star football recruit, there’s no way that was true. Then again, it could be the Savannah offers and Summer offers that are confusing the issue.</p>
<p>As for the reason your chances are so low: your SAT is average for Tech, but your GPA is in the bottom 2% of enrolled Tech students, which means roughly the bottom 1% of admitted Tech students. When only 1% of a school’s admissions class has a similar GPA, that’s a really bad sign. Especially when about 1% of that school are Division I FBS football players.</p>