<p>I know the last June scores for SAT came 19 days (yest) after June 6, which wasn't too bad.</p>
<p>well i took this years on June 13 and got my scores on June 24 which is when they told us they would come out. Yet there are many people who are still waiting for their scores so i guess i was just one of the lucky ones…</p>
<p>hmm, interesting…</p>
<p>mine came today but i think the supervisor at the ACT place messed with my scores because its WAY too low… and we did get into it</p>
<p>first that’s *****<strong><em>, maybe you just failed…sometimes it’s easy to *</em></strong>up on those tests- you getting into it with the test supervisor is reason enough to believe you ****ed up a few times… to be prejudice and all… .and isn’t this your like 4th dang post about this same topic? We HAVE a topic to rant about this… god… needy.</p>
<p>My S received his ACT scores (without the essay score) on Wed., the 24th. He then received his essay score on Thurs, the 25th. In the mail today (Friday) he received a paper copy of his scores. That is the fastest any of my kids have ever gotten scores.</p>
<p>I know some are still waiting, but it does seem like ACT is moving through the process quickly for some.</p>