How fast do you have to be to join Cornell Swim Team?

<p>I am a swimmer and my height is 171cm and very typical Asian (not that tall... unlike those giants in Olympic Summer Games), but I discovered recently that I am growing :D:D.</p>

<p>Here are my timings:</p>

<p>World Record 50m Freestyle: 21.28
My 50m Freestyle: 30.84</p>

<p>World Record 50m Breaststroke: 27.18
My 50m Breaststroke: 40.36</p>

<p>Do I have any chance? :( Is there any way that I can get in Division III or II or I (without being recruited athlete)?</p>

<p>College swimming is short course, not long course. So the events are a bit shorter, with more turns.</p>

<p>A 50m freestyle in 30.84 is the equivalent of a 26.50 50 yard freestyle. I'm assuming you are a male.</p>

<p>Swimming</a> World Results Time Conversion Utility</p>

<p>For comparison's sake, Cornell swimmers regularly break 21 seconds for a 50 yard freestyle.</p>

<p>My best time for the 50 yard freestyle was 23.50, and while I earned some interest from Division III schools, Cornell could have cared less. You might be able to walk onto a Division III team (Rochester? Chicago?) with a 26.5 in the 50 freestyle, but that's about it.</p>

<p>I think a better idea is to compare your times with the Cornell swim team, rather than the WR. </p>

<p>Cornell</a> Athletics - Cornell Swimming and Diving Media Guides</p>

<p>Here you go... even at Division III school championships the time for the 50 yard freestyle is below 22 seconds:</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Oh mine... I am only 17 :D</p>

<p>Are there swimming training courses for undergrad (freshman)?</p>

<p>I was looking at the Cornell Big Red Swim Team performance pdf, and looks like I have to aim for 25- in 50m freestyle. How do you guys train?</p>

<p>and my My 50m Freestyle: 30.84 is actually 30.54, not .84</p>

<p>By the way... what were your times when you guys came to Cornell, so I have some targets to aim?</p>

<p>When I was a junior in high school my 50 yard free style was a 23.9 and my 100 yard freestyle was a 52.5 -- pretty run of the mill for competitive high school swimming. </p>

<p>I didn't improve all that much my senior year -- I think I got down to 23.4 and 51.2. I would have loved to have broken 50 seconds for the 100 yard freestyle.</p>

<p>I swam on the #1 team in New York State, though, so I was even more run of the mill.</p>

<p>Swimming is 50 percent endurance/strength and 50 percent stroke. If you don't have an efficient stroke you have nothing in the water. Make certain you are pivoting onto your sides and are forcing your body through the tightest possible hole in the water in front of you. Try to make like you are swimming downhill.</p>

<p>The Cornell men's team is fantastic....the women, not so much....most of my former Div III team could have beat the CU women. I wanted to swim for CU....but destroyed my knee at my final swim meet. </p>

<p>Take Cayuga's advice and perfect the minute'll make a difference. As of now...I'd say you would even have some difficulty with many Div III schools...but keep working and you might surprise yourself.</p>

<p>Can you join Cornell's swim team after you get accepted (as non-recruited athlete)?</p>

<p>And are there training opportunities at Cornell?</p>

<p>I didn't know you swam CayugaRed. In my days, the best nys high school teams started with a P, S or F. Surprisingly the Ithaca 'Little Red' usually have a very small, but very good team.</p>

<p>what would be breast stroke standards for women for scholarship at Cornell. I am 14 and my 100 yd SC is 1.12.90. My 200 breast is 2.41.20==Other events are not as good competitively. --thx for opinions</p>

<p>My friend was just recuited for binghamton with times a few seconds faster than you but was still told he had no shot swimming at cornell</p>

<p>Thanks, I have a few years to cut my times and it may be easier for females.</p>

<p>dont you wish you were a girl =D</p>

<p>How does Academic Performance figure into getting a Swimming Scholarship?
Will it help that I have great grades?</p>

<p>…? pretty sure the Ivy League is only able to give out need based financial aid, and not merit based aid for academics or athletics.</p>

<p>I still have to learn how to swim…</p>

<p>In other news, this is the 150,000th post on the Cornell board.</p>

<p>Cornell, and for that matter none of the Ivy’s, give out athletic based scholarships.
And most people at Cornell have great grades. :p</p>

<p>hey, im asian too.</p>

<p>I am currently being recuirted by the swim team. My times are:</p>

<p>50 free- 21.48
100 free 46.54
200 free 1:46.71
100 fly- 50.55</p>

<p>These are my best times for right now but my state meet is this sunday and im pretty sure I can go under 50 in the fly.</p>

<p>My best advice to you is to get faster. Right now your not at the caliber for D1 schools. If you really want go to Cornell, you wont get any help from the coach and you will be relying on your academics only. </p>

<p>Even if you get in, im not sure you can swim with the team. i know a lot of swim teams require their swimmers to be a certain speed even if they’re a walk on(non recuirted athlele). Im sure for D3 schools, if you can get in, im sure the coach will let you swim with the team if you talk to him or her.</p>

<p>Hoped I helped</p>



<p>That’s definitely respectable.</p>