<p>if i am wanting to get into top tier colleges, will it help
btw i have a 3.78 uw gpa, and hispanic and a first gen. Ask me if any extra info is needed.</p>
<p>A 30 is a solid score, I’d say above average. However, you have a shot at improving a little bit more. Aim for a 31+</p>
<p>yeah 30 is pretty solid. I got a 30 my first time then i took it again and got a 32 which is equivalent to like a 2150 on the SAT</p>
<p>a 30 is a good score to start off with</p>
<p>i got a 30 my first 2 times</p>
<p>eventually worked my way to a 35</p>
<p>so if you just practice a lot, you can get your score up to a 32+, i’m sure</p>
<p>and if you can get your UW gpa up to a 3.8 or higher, then you’d be as set as anyone else in terms of grades and tests</p>
<p>A 30 is in the 96th percentile, meaning you are in the top 4% of test takers. That is excellent for most schools, and can get you into top tier schools. It is easier to get in with a higher score though. Your best bet is to look up the schools you plan on applying to and see what their ACT range is for accepted students. That will be a better source than the people here.</p>
<p>Being a first gen hispanic w/a 3.8 UW and 30+ ACT would be the core of a very strong profile. Obviously the higher the better, but a 30 would give you a great shot at top universities.</p>
<p>If you really, really want to get into top ranked universities, I’d aim for 32+ to be more on the safe side.</p>
<p>a 30 is a really good score if you’re looking at state universities etc.</p>
<p>basically, universities that have no prestige whatsoever.</p>
<p>however, if you’re looking at HYPS, your 30 is pretty much a joke.</p>
<p>Consider that the 25% at Stanford is a 29 and i doubt that all 25% of those admitted with a 29 or less are legacies or atheletes calling it a joke is ignorant. Rather it’s a good score but don’t expect it to wow the adcoms, im sure if the rest of your app is stellar you could get into Stanford with a 30.</p>
<p>people have gotten into HYPS with 30s before, bottles; they probably have done other great things, though, like work with NASA or work on some medical breakthrough; but a 30 is a pretty good score, and can be good enough for HYPS; but, don’t get me wrong, a 33+ is a very important step for HYPS</p>
<p>true. i was talking about the score without all those ‘mitigating circumstances’</p>
<p>well i was actually looking more at schools like fordham, NYU(stern), USC…but yeah that was my last shot at the act, all i got is two subject tests coming up, lol. Well thanks for all the input guys</p>
<p>I took that ACT practice test (I forget what it’s called) sophomore year and it predicted a score of 31 for me. This was with no preparation, so with preparation, how much could I improve this score?</p>
<p>you mean the plan test? yeah, that test was lame</p>
<p>the PLAN test projected me to get between a 27 and a 31 on the ACT; first time I took the ACT, i got a 30, so I was right in that range</p>
<p>i eventually worked my way to a 35</p>
<p>so in your case, i’d say if it projected you’d get a 31, then you can probably work your way to at least a 33, maybe even a 34-36</p>
<p>^same here actually. I think I got a 27 on the plan (it’s out of 32) and it predicted 27-31 for me. I actually think it’s fairly accurate for your first time taking the ACT. I got a 28 on the real thing my first time, but I took it again and scored out of my predicted range with a 32. So with practice, like Peytoncline said, there’s no reason why you can’t get 33+.</p>
<p>yeah, i got a 26 / 32 on the plan and was projected in the 27-31 range</p>
<p>the plan test is more of a predictor of your first time taking the ACT; then after that, you’ll most likely exceed that range</p>
<p>34 is pretty much standard nowadays.</p>
<p>^^ standard? what do you mean by that?</p>
<p>It’s so standard that only 1% of people who take the ACT get it.</p>
<p>“standard for CC” not the world…</p>
<p>I wouldnt even say it’s standard for CC, looking at a bunch of chance topics i usually see scores within the 30-32 bracket.</p>