<p>Of course, there's no guaranteed indicator for the Ivies, but what score range is generally considered good enough to get in for Ivies, or at least in the "safer" range? (Assuming GPA/recs/ECs, etc are sufficient)</p>
<p>Would I even have a chance for HYP in the ~2200+ range? I know so many people getting deferred or even rejected with scores 2350+ that are pretty good in ECs/grades. Would less than a 2300 put me in a significant disadvantage?</p>
<p>My theory is that 2300+ would get you about 30% chance of getting accepted to most Ivies (maybe 15-20% for HYPMS) 2200 possibly 8-15%, so it depends on how badly you want to go. There really is a lot of luck in this I believe, depending on the adcom’s mood, the current state of admissions, the applicant before you, etc.</p>
<p>My feeling is that if you’re above 2250 or so and you don’t feel like you could have done better with no additional prep (your score was lower than you were hoping for because of weird testing conditions or something), your time would be better spent on ECs, studying for APs, or having fun than it would preparing for and retaking the SAT.</p>
<p>I think anything 2250+ is probably seen as approximately equal, unless one section is significantly lower than the others. (3 X 750 > 2 X 800 + 650)</p>
<p>Not to be racist or anything but it also depends if ur a URM. If so, anything above 2100 is really already very solid. However, if ur not a URM, then yes 2250 will be competitive.</p>
<p>2250+ if you also got 720+ on all three sections (so you need to get more than 720 on a couple for 2250+)…</p>
<p>^personally i like the 750,750,750 better because its more balanced, i know writing is the most useless out of the three but still, it just looks weird.</p>
<p>i knew an URM that retook a 800/690 Math/800 and ended up getting like 730 in math, im almost positive he wouldve gotten into any college in the world (had pretty good ECs too)even before retaking</p>
<p>let me just jump in and ask: what if I’m an international student whose native language is not English?The majority of international students can’t get high SAT scores like you guys, so maybe there’s like lower good-enough–for-ivy score for us?</p>
<p>That, on the other hand, is an excellent assessment. Even with a 2300+ you’ll most likely be rejected at any one Ivy League school. However, even with a 2200 you’re likely to get into some Ivy–just not your favorite. </p>
<p>Acknowledging the existence of Affirmative Action doesn’t constitute racism. Generally, a URM with a 2100 has the chances as a non-URM with a 2250~2300. But of course, it depends on that person’s individual circumstances too. Usually (but not always) an African American coming from an upper tax-bracket old-money family will have less of an edge than a recently immigrated Kenyan-American living in the projects.</p>
<p>^Yes I know talking about AA isn’t necessairly racism (it was kind of a “disclaimer” I guess in case someone took it “differently”)</p>
<p>oo and also,
2 800s (being Math and CR) is better I would say than something more spread out because many schools only consider the Math and CR portions</p>
<p>^Yea, but that’s only true if we’re talking about a school that doesn’t consider W, or gives it less weight. But assuming all sections are given equal weight, [800, 800, 650] is no different from [750, 750, 750].</p>