How good is UW?

<p>Although it ranks in the top 35 in many different lists, do you think Wisconsin is as pretigious as some other private universities that are less selective? I got in and am wondering if it is worth going to Wisconsin despite being OOS.</p>

<p>What department?</p>

<p>UW is near the top in history, chem e, biochem, many others.</p>

<p>UW is one of the great public institutions. If you graduate near top of your class there in practically any department, you will be going to the grad school of your choice.</p>


<p>jim shaw what were ur stats?</p>

<p>Hey there,</p>

<p>I read one of your earlier posts about being dead set on getting into a top law school. Well, one of my friends who went to Bronx Science, and goes to UW, had the same mindset. 5 years later (took a year off) with a 3.6 and a 168 LSAT, he will be attending the University of Chicago. You've posted that you go to Stuy, so I'm sure your college office would inform you with even more specifics. A lot of Stuy grads go to Michigan and a growing number apparently to Wisconsin. I think you should look at their past results and their future plans. </p>

<p>Personally, as an OOS student, I was chose amongst similiar schools and a combination of personal choice, finances (UW is cheaper comparatively to other schools of its quality/rank), and academics led me there.</p>

<p>Thanks for the replies. </p>

<p>Goblue, I have about an 85 average unweighted average with a trend of improvement. 2150 SATs (1410 MV). OOS. </p>

<p>Beprepn, I would most likely go into the Political Science department. </p>

<p>Transfer, since you go to UW, maybe you can tell me more about some of the keys aspects of the school. How hard is it to get a good GPA? Is Madison as good of a town as everyone says? How is the housing?</p>

<p>Thanks Again.</p>

<p>First, the easier question, yes Madison is a great town. It is smaller than Chicago, NYC, etc. obviously, yet large enough to have a lot to do. I wouldn't do the city justice with a quick explination, but: <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>It's consistently named one of the countries best college towns and places to live. In my opinion, if you're looking for a college with both an urban/"campus" feel, Madison is great. Obviously, this is a smaller city, though.</p>

<p>As for getting a good GPA, I think in political science if you do the work and pick the right classes, a 3.5+ is not terribly difficult. I'm also a political science major (double majoring) and I've found that it is difficult to get A's in many of the classes, simply because it is a popular major with many bright students. Also, fyi, by my 2nd semester freshmen year, I was in a poli sci course with less than 15 people, directly with a professor. I've enjoyed my classes in the department here. If you have any questions, private message me</p>