How selective is U Wisconsin?


<p>I heard alot of great things about UW. They make the same # CEOs as harvard! Anyways, I had some questions:</p>

<p>1.) How selective is UW? What is their RD admission rate?
2.) Can UW be a safety school?
3.) Are they good at financial aid for out of staters?</p>

<p>As a person interested in a Business major, I am really interested in this school. Please help!</p>

<p>Firstly, Wisconsin is selective for a state school. Approximately 50 percent get in, the rest are defferred or rejected. You are in good shape with sats over 1200, and gpa over 3.5 It is a safety only if you have great stats, 1400 + and 3.8 + and demonstrate interest. Out of state, financial aid is hard to come by. The state of wisconsin depends on high oos tuition to balance low tuition from Wisconsin and Minnesota. Unless you are an athlete, your best bet is to contact the regional UW alumni club for grants.</p>

<p>Wisc rocks, I hope I get in.</p>

<p>If i have a 3.6 with 2250 SATs and 15 APs with an average score of 4 and mad business ECs, can it be a safety?</p>

<p>Yea you are pretty solid. But don't dick off on the essays or act pretentious. I'd say 90 + percent chance in.</p>

<p>You will be admitted. However, I agree. 1. You still can't dick off. This isn't some Community college 2. You have a shot for some honors programs and scholarship $</p>

<p>15 AP's dont matter if the majority of them have yet to be taken. If you have classes for them soph and junior year then it looks better. Ie. I know a lot of kids that take a ton of self study AP's senior year - colleges dont care because they dont get to see your grades. </p>

<p>Your SAT scores are good enough to get you in though.</p>

<p>Wisconsin is the most selective school in the state and its consistently ranked in the top 40 by newsweek. To be guarenteed admission upon first review, you need a good 1270 and a decent GPA (3.5+). I was accepted with a 2110 and a 3.3. </p>

<p>Furthermore, Wisconsin is just one of the sweetest schools ever. It's got a great mix of instate/out of state students, awesome weather, great city (Madison), amazing campus, hot chicks, lots of beer, and spectacular academics.</p>

<p>what if u have a 1260?</p>

<p>I doubt 10 points matters in the end</p>

<p>I'd say at the least you need a 1200 if you're out of state but then you'll need a 4.0 gpa with lots of AP's.</p>

<p>In state is a completely different story as it is MUCH less competitive.</p>

<p>Actually the OOS acceptance rate is now higher and they seem to have a little lower scores assuming most OOS submit SAT and instate ACT. </p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>barrons, you're so awesome at finding stats- thanks this helps a lot!</p>

<p>UW is very good about posting most of their internal studies, etc. Then it's a matter of knowing where to look.
Thank you.</p>

<p>The fact is UW depends on OOS tuition and fees to keep instate tuition and fees (plus minnesotta) at a reasonable level. Therefore, there is no discernable difference between stats for in state vs out. In fact, some would argue they accept more out of state, because yield is lower. The school needs 30 percent or higher oos to avoid financial problems.</p>

<p>the state of wisconsin should subsidize tuition for instate students like Georgia does(using lottery earnings to pay for kids tuition with a certain GPA.)</p>

<p>Instate tuition is already cheap and heavily subsidized by the state. Financial aid to state kids is also very good. No need to give more. Most good students instate look at UW seriously. Something like 400+ vals go to UW each year from WI schools.</p>

<p>If its heavily subsidized by the state i dont see why they need oos students to make up any difference.</p>

<p>To be among the best takes HUGE money. OOS tuition is not bad for the quality. A similar quality private would be around $30,000 a year. Most similar level state schools are in the same range and UW has held the increases down for OOS the last two years.</p>

<p>How much is OOS Tuition, given that I get no aid?</p>

<p>yeah barrons that is one reason why i am looking at UW, its a little more reasonable oos than say a michigan.</p>