How good would a avg 3.7-3.9 gpa be?

<p>Hi, I am currently a sophmore in the IB program and I was just wondering how good a 3.7-3.9 gpa would look on a college adm? Right now, i have 4 Ib Sl/AP classes (they're integrated) and i volunteer at the local hospital (top 10 in nation) and the local science center. I am also a part of varisty athletics. With this, and assumed good test scores etc. could i assume that i would be able to make it into say UCLA or USC?</p>

<p>You say you’re only a sophomore?</p>

<p>Totally depends on your school. In a thread on the parent’s board, a parent wrote that a 3.9 is not even in the top third at her son’s school. At my kid’s, that was the valedictorian GPA most years.</p>

<p>Yes, iamcapncrunchh, the district i am in allows “gifted” students to take the IB program a year ahead so that we may obtain the diploma a year early and whatever we want our senior year…aka internships etc. and, currently, in the program, only around two people have a 4.0 and most people have anywhere from 2-4 b’s. And lets just say that the school is in the top 100 in the nation.</p>

<p>At my school a 3.8-3.9 is pretty much the top of the top (there are very few, if any, 4.0s). At many schools As are much easier to come by though…</p>

<p>I am the current valedictorian of my school with a 3.9 unweighted GPA (although my weighted is something like 4.8).</p>

<p>At S1’s private school, the highest GPA in last year’s graduating class was a 94. No weighting.</p>

<p>If you keep that up, you have extremely good chances of getting into USC and UCLA.</p>

<p>wait i have a question
i know that my salutorian at my school doesnt even have a 3.96 UW GPA, so does that mean my school is really that hard/competitive?</p>