How hard is it get into Harvard Business School?

<p>I'm a HS senior now, but I dream of going to Harvard Business School. I want to be a CEO one day, and HBS will definitely prepare me. Is HBS exclusive to kids fresh out of Ivy League undergrad? :(</p>

<p>No, it is generally for adults with several years of post-graduate work experience.</p>

<p>and from all different schools and walks of life.</p>

<p>yah… HBS is definitely for professionals, like MBA and stuffs, master degrees in general</p>

<p>becoming a CEO is not as simple as going to Harvard Business School and work your ass off when you get out. You have to know how to schmooze, you need to know the right people, project the right image, etc.</p>

<p>you sound like a striver of the worst kind, in all honesty.</p>

<p>While Harvard is one of the best, there are many other great business schools out there that will get your prepared to be a CEO if thats what you dream of doing. Only the top tier get into harvard so you better work your ass off.</p>

<p>Good Luck</p>