How hard is it to get into UC Irvine nursing for undergrad?

<p>What about mcphs?</p>

<p>I’m currently a freshman nursing science major at UCI and the acceptance rate for my year was about 4%. It’s pretty difficult.</p>

<p>What was your gpa and sat score??</p>

<p>MCPHS is an interesting choice compared to UC Irvine, terrible acronym aside (its new official name is MCPHS University, which is Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences University. Whoever came up with that was stupid.) </p>

<p>MCP has a 3 year full-time nursing program. My friend is in it (I am a fellow COF-er) and anecdotally I have heard it is terrifying. She is graduating in 4 years as opposed to 3 because the pacing of the program is insane. We’re not just talking a summer course here and there - it is a full semester, all the time. She mentioned that in one of her classes, if they get below a 96 on a certain exam they fail the class…which means you cannot get a single question wrong.</p>

<p>It is also worth noting that beyond the first year, there are no dorming options for students. Rent in the Boston area is insane unless you want to live in a slightly sketchier/farther-out area with many roommates. MCP itself is a spread-out, small school that uses a lot of the nearby college’s and hospital’s resources (the latter is good, the former is not).</p>

<p>Of course, if we knew your SAT/GPA, it would be easier to tell.</p>

<p>tl;dr: MCP - prime clinical location, strong program, overwhelmingly fast pace and disjointed campus</p>