How hard is it to transfer into CE/CS track or Computer Science?

Hello, I am currently a student at my local community college and want to transfer to Texas A&M for Fall 2018. I was just wondering how hard it would be to get in.

Bump, no one wants to give some insight about it?

EDIT: Perhaps I’m not being specific, what is the transfer GPA been like recently for those majors?

Also, here’s a little bit about what I will do before transfer time rolls in:

I’m enrolled at Austin Community College, looking transfer in. I checked the transfer course sheet(s) for both desired majors and one needs at least a 3.0 to be considered, along with at least Calc I + approved Science with Calc II + another approved science + a programming course.

I’m currently in MATH 1316 (Trigonometry), but won’t be able to start the calculus sequence until Summer 2017. I’m planning to take CHEM 1311 (General Chemistry I) for Spring 2017 to try and get some science requisites, and I’m also taking COSC 1336 (Programming Fundamentals I) and will take 1337 next semester.

I also took two years of English (1301 + 1302); got an A in 1301 and a C in 1302 in high school, which worries me since it will apply to my audited GPA in the future.

Does anyone have any experience transferring into Computer Science or CSCE? I know it’s not as desired as Mechanical Engineering or Aerospace Engineering at TAMU, I just want to be prepared and want some tips beforehand. Sorry if this was bad bump, I just want some advice! Thank you.

@AggieTransferr since you are applying to transfer to A&M in Computer Science, can you help to answer these questions?

Hey! I applied to CS for the spring but haven’t gotten a decision back so I don’t have too much insight. What I do not is that they prioritize people who have the most classes taken off the CS transfer sheet. Hope this helps a little.

Thanks @AggieTransferr @LPFanVGV I am sure you are following the required coursework for transfer?

I am, @Thelma2. @AggieTransferr, what is your audited GPA? Nonetheless, I wish you best of luck in getting in.

EDIT: I got an email from one of the department chairs saying admission to CS and CSCE is getting more competitive. They’ve been favoring people around the 3.5+ neighborhood along with 3.75 being the average GPA despite the minimum GPA needing to be a 3.0.

It’s a 4.0 with 51 credit hours and I have the calculus sequence done.

I have also applied seeking a transfer to CS.

Courses Completed:
MATH 151, 152
CHEM 107/117
All University Core

In Progress:
MATH 253
COSC 206
PHYS 218

Some volunteer organizations
Phi Theta Kappa member

My cumulative GPA is 3.83 on 42 completed hours. In case you’re wondering I made a B in CHEM and in a GOVT course I took during summer in high school. I don’t know if it matters but my TAMU transfer advisor told me to mention that I am a first generation college student in my essays. In addition to the previously stated I had two letters of recommendation submitted although I’m not entirely sure they even look at them. Hope these stats help give you a better idea of what I’ve been told is the average applicant! I recommend you get in contact with a transfer advisor at TAMU to help guide you in what courses to take and how to present yourself in your essays. I know Fall 2018 may seem like a long way off but it’s never too early to start preparing. @LPFanVGV

Super huge thanks for the replies guys. Wow, y’all look super competitive for admissions, and I think you won’t have problems getting in. Again thanks, and best of luck with y’all’s futures!

I have a 3.77 with 32 hours done. Most of those are engineering centered classes. Applying to CE Comp Sci track. I hope my chances are good.

I don’t know if this thread is dead or not, but I’m just wondering if anyone has heard something back. I’ve been waiting for about a month now without any word back.

@pedialytered Nothing back yet. I submitted my application the second week of August. I wouldn’t expect to hear anything back until sometime in November. You should call the department though if you want more information.

Anyone been updated on their applications?

@pedialytered None yet. At this rate, it’s getting pretty ridiculous. How in the world are we supposed to have time
to prepare.

Does anyone know who to call if we want to know more about where our applications stands in the process?