How hard is Physics 0030?

<p>I’m thinking about getting my Physics prereqs out of the way next year, but most of my friends say it’s way too hard to get an A in. Should I just take engineering courses instead? Do any current undergrads here have an opinion? </p>

<p>Also this is my first post here so I don’t know if this is the right place for this</p>

<p>This is the best place on this forum for this thread.</p>

<p>PH0030 is designed for anyone who needs physics but doesn’t want to take it. Does it count for engineering? If not, it should definitely not be hard for you. Just keep up with the homework and go to lectures.</p>

<p>Well for a biology degree you can take the Engineering intro courses instead of physics. They’re mandatory S/NC I believe, the first one is at least. Physics seems way more useful, but I’m worried it will give me a B because the tests are difficult, so my friends say</p>

<p>You should not be worried about getting a B at Brown. Any course at Brown is going to be relatively difficult. You’re not going to have the same GPA you did in high school.</p>

<p>Hi, I took this course in high school during the summer with Dorca and got 100 on the midterm and final, and spent 1-2 hours a week on problem sets… I’m only decent with physics, but enjoy it and plan to take phys 0040 next semester.</p>

<p>I’ve heard complaints about the tests, but if you’re a strong math student, most of the things taught should just come kind of naturally. if you think engn 30 is EASIER then you must be on some crazy drug.</p>

<p>It’s absurd to think that EN3 is easier that PH3. Maybe more interesting, depending on your preferences, but certainly not easier.</p>

<p>You must not know very many engineers.</p>