how hard is the real SAT test compare to the BB Book?

For anyone who took the real sat, i have a questions for you guys.
I was always wondering how hard the real exam is compare to the practice tests in the BB. Is it really as difficult as the ones in the Blue book tests?
Wat about compared to other prep books like Barrons, Gruber's, etc?

<p>I didn't prep at all, so I don't know how hard it is "compared" to those books. BUT I know that I only took it once, got a 2300, and walked out of the room wondering WHY it was so easy! I mean.. it wasn't "easy," but compared to all the hype about it, it definitely was simpler than I thought it'd been.
And for some reason, all the people I know who studied for it a lot did more poorly than those who didn't. Could just be a coincidence, but you never know.</p>

<p>hey penndreamer, i also really want to go to penn. more specifically, wharton. and the sats are similar to the collegeboard blue book, if that's what you mean by blue book. some tests are harder than others. it's a crapshoot. usually the january and march tests have tougher curves, and the may and june tests have better curves (because more student take the SAT these two months). I didn't look at Barrons, I looked at Princeton Review which is probably a little easier than the real SATs. </p>

<p>do you think you could you chance me?
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>I think that is because most people take worthless test prep classes, or used some bizzare strategy a book taught them INVENIAMVIAM.</p>

<p>the real sats are harder then the bb. Pr is pretty accurate and Barrons is harder</p>

<p>Buy 10 Real SATs from CB. Can't get any more accurate than the real thing, can you?</p>

<p>the writing section was A LOT easier than the practice.</p>

<p>the reading section was harder than the practice.</p>

<p>Math is about the same.</p>

<p>inveniamviam ahahah i like ur name. "i will find a way"</p>

<p>did you really get a 2300 first sitting without prep? O.o
that's incredible if not unbelievable. good for you.</p>

<p>as to answer the question the sats differ in difficulty anyway, but they are generally around the range of the blue book.</p>

<p>i found the 4th practice test reading passages harder than the ones that i had done beforeā€¦</p>