How hard is transferring?

I’m currently a first year at one of the seven sisters colleges and although the professors and classes are great, the people at this school just really don’t fit my personality. I’ve been able to make friends fine, but none of these people and I “click” as well as I did with other friends in the past. Not only that but although there are many cute traditions weekends are really boring as there’s no party life and we’re in the middle of nowhere. I really like the whole aspect of the women’s college thing (as I said before, classes are superb) but is every women’s college going to be like this? I wanted to transfer to another women’s college closer to the city or another liberal arts college. Is this going to be really hard to accomplish? Thanks

It depends on many things including but not limited to: 1) your HS record 2) how well you do in college this year 3) how well you craft your application (including essays, recommendations etc.) 4) what schools you want to transfer to. In addition it is unlikely that you will get merit aid as a transfer if that is an issue.

Is it possible to go another school with my associate I had abroad even if I am currently going to school here in America ?