How important is a lunch?

<p>So next year will be my junior year. I'm taking a very tough schedule that will require a lot of work. I also have many ECs so I'm not going to have all the time in the world to do homework when I get home (I typically get home around 6 on a regular day). How important do you think a "break" is? Here's my schedule as of now;
-AP/Honors Italian (Level IV)
-Health/Civil Rights
-and also gym...</p>

<p>I have one period left. If you were in this situation, would you take a lunch or would you take an elective or something?</p>

<p>Oh...and I'm not sure about Pre-calc. Which class do you think would prepare you more for the SAT: pre-calc or AP Stat?</p>


<p>Neither pre-cal nor AP Stat would prepare you for the SAT. Algebra 1 and Geometry might. </p>

<p>I would take a lunch...eating would be good for you...</p>

<p>Offense intended: When will you all get it through your heads that colleges are not looking for robots? They are looking for people who are genuinly passionate in what they do. Sure, if you like those classes, then by all means, take them, but if you're doing it just to strain yourself and tell a college "look at me, if I stay up until 0500 each morning, I can study enough to pass all of these classes," then please don't. It's just too stressful. Take your lunch; you need a break. The brain needs time to rest, because thinking is very taxing on the brain, especially in dealing with complex subjects that require deeper thought and reasoning. If you think that you will not have enough time to get your homework done and get to bed on time, take an AP class off. Trust me on this. I'm taking five AP classes this year. I consider myself a somewhat smart student, but it's just too much with extracurriculars (I have track, cross country, scouts, and driving lessons atm), because I haven't been in bed before two - three each night for most of the school year. You'll end up going to school tired, unable to completely grasp all the material being taught. You will probably exhibit other symptoms of fatigue which can really turn you into an unpleasant person. </p>

<p>I'm not going to claim that I now your body, but I know what my load has done to my life. It really kinda sucks, lol But if you think you can handle it go for it, but please, don't give up your lunch. You're not impressing anyone by it.</p>

<p>buddy take lunch - you have a period to relax, catch up on hw if you want to</p>

<p>do not become a robot who studies and has no time to socialize with people during the day (atleast in school) - you will regret it </p>

<p>taking lunch will not make or break u - unless u really wana be valedictorian or something, which is sorta useless nowdays, cuz a lot of vals/sals get rejected frm top colleges</p>

<p>Take the lunch. You need to eat to keep your body healthy and your energy going. If you're involved in ECs after school and don't take lunch, you'll have no time to eat until late afternoon. That could really damage your health. You might be healthy now, but you won't be if you skip lunch for the entire year (on top of being sleep deprived, which I'm sure you will be).</p>

<p>If you don't think you have time to do all your homework, there's another reason to have a lunch period. While you're eating, you can probably get some of your easier assignments done. There's no point in taking another elective to impress colleges if that elective isn't something you love.</p>

<p>I'm a sophomore in analysis (pre calc honors, and then a smidge harder). It's a joke. Algebra II = Analysis. I think we just learned out third new concept of the YEAR. I mean it helps solidify your foundation and all that jazz, but if you got Algebra II honors well, I'd go stat. I'm taking that now, and it's a really cool, useful class. I could totally see majoring in it.</p>

<p>I take orchestra on my lunch. I miss the social time, but the day doesn't really feel any longer for it. I'm also taking 0 period (an extra class in the morning). You get used to whatever you length of a day is, so if there's a class you want to take, I'd say do it. At least at my school, it's not hard to find a teacher to let you eat in their class. I personally eat walking through the halls or sitting in orchestra while another section is playing.</p>

<p>Take a lunch!! your schedule for junior is extremely rigorous as is and i guarantee you one other elective class will not be the different between acceptance and rejection/waitlisting, it just wont. With all the busyness in your life, you'll want/need a break inbetween. it will be refreshing, trust me.</p>

<p>I'm not doing lunch for 1/2 the year next year. So at the beginning of the year, I'll have
AP World History
AP Chem
AP Lang
AP Physics B
Drama 3

<p>and then for the rest of the year i'll have all those classes minus PE. </p>

<p>I don't think it should be that bad, unless you do all your homework at lunch, or if you can't eat in any of your other classes.</p>

<p>what has the world come to!</p>


<p>And um, no offense taken even though it was intended. In no way am I a robot what so ever, nor do am I really aiming to be val/sal with a million GPA. The only reason I wanted to know is because I wanted to take ceramics (which is what a lot of my friends are taking) but if most of you are saying "you'll need the break/the time to do homework/etc." than maybe I'll rethink it.</p>

<p>Thanks for you concern though, even if it was a bit rude (offense intended?).</p>


<p>'twas a joke. It's a nice break from "no offense."</p>

<p>So do some schools allow kids to substitute Lunch with something else ? Then isn't this kind of detrimental to the Extra Curricular Activities that are done during Lunch ?</p>

<p>^^^Who does extracurricular activities during lunch? Unless you counting skipping to the back stairwells and smoking weed :)</p>

<p>yeah the only reason I'm doing no lunch is to be able to take drama. I hate the way stupid core courses fill up half your day. I'd never do zero period-no lunch no matter how much I wanted to take a course. That's crazy talk!</p>

<p>Everyone at my school does their Extra Curriculars during Lunch (It's about 1 hour long). The only real "after school activities" are Math Team and It's Academic.</p>

<p>The security is really strict and the school is very well planned, so I don't think many smoke weed.</p>

<p>LOL...sacrificing lunch for a class...dude...what planet do you live on LOL</p>

<p>lol I sometimes do question what planet I live on as well!</p>

<p>It would not be anything hard at all. It would be like a cermaics class where (the one at my school, atleast) they give you clay and you can make what ever you want and than, besides that, they'll let you eat and whatever. No homework. Or maybe a "Society and Pop Culture" class where basically I hear you just eat, watch movies, and talk about music/movies/etc.</p>

<p>just so you ppl dont think im too weird, its not like im taking an AP instead of lunch. It would just be something fun (or what I think is).</p>

<p>hey man, we have very simmilar sechdules</p>

<p>Junior Year
AP Statistics
AP Chemistry
AP American H.
AP English
Pre- Calc Honors
Physics Honors
Bio- Technology
Tennis (mandatory)
Lunch </p>

<p>so do as i did and take lunch</p>

<p>Take it. It's ceramics. And you'll be with your friends. It's not like it's another AP class or anything, so it shouldn't be too bad.</p>

<p>Take AP Lunch.</p>