<p>What's The Workload Like? How Difficult Is The Work? Can You Work Hard And Get An A? What Did You Get?</p>
<p>depends on the teacher</p>
<p>I liked AP Lang a lot but I’ve always liked English and I had a really good teacher. Usually with these classes there’s four different scenarios:</p>
<p>A) You like the subject and you get a really good teacher.
B) You don’t like the subject but you get a really good teacher.
C) You like the subject but you get a really bad teacher.
D) You don’t like the subject and you get a really bad teacher. (This is the worst.)</p>
<p>We didn’t do an excessive amount of timed writings in my AP Lang class but I still felt prepared for the AP exam and I learned a lot. I would say go for it, but your experience is going to depend on whether A, B, C, or D applies to you.</p>
<p>I got an A (98%) for the year by the way.</p>
<p>Not If You Write Your Essays Like This.</p>
<p>Well, I’ll Be Taking It Online So I Don’t About The Whole Teacher Situation. I’ve always liked English and Freshman Year I Got A 97 In English And Sophomore I Got A 98. I Think It’ll Be Okay Then. But how’s the work load, homework a night?</p>
<p>It totally depends on the school. At my school the Juniors drop out of the class like crazy (15/30 remained). It is one of those classes that can be extremely difficult, or easy if you get an easy teacher.</p>
<p>AP English is the most popular course at my school, and the only one with three “sections” - essentially, three teachers/classes, where as most APs only have 1 or 2 sections. I’ve found that people who are average writers at least and are at least somewhat diligent have the potential to really do well. I had kids in my class who weren’t native English speakers, some who even had pretty thick accents and trouble pronouncing some words, who worked hard, and ended up with A’s in the class.</p>
<p>As for the work load, it is manageable so long as you stay on top of the work. My teacher had a policy where your work wasn’t late until the quarter closed, so this left him with 30 students that decided to share all of their work with him online two days before the end of the quarter, rather than pass in work when it was assigned periodically through the marking period. This was a very dangerous practice and I always tried to limit the amount of work I “put off” until the end of the quarter. Others found themselves doing an entire quarter’s worth of work in one night, not sleeping, so that they could write 12 essays. But if the work was done in a timely fashion, it is most definitely, at least in the specific instance of my school and teacher, manageable. </p>
<p>I find that AP English allowed me to grow as a writer so much and was actually the only AP where I think that the benefits it had on me will be lasting (unlike, say, AP World, where knowing about the Mongol Empire will only get me so far…) - I’ve been told, time and time again, that if you were only allowed to take one AP, let it be AP English Lang because of the amount of benefits it has in taking the course. </p>
<p>Good luck!</p>