<p>So I got accepted to Eleanor Roosevelt College as a major in Aerospace Engineering, I ranked my colleges randomly so I had no idea what college was the best for me, now I came to know that the only differences between colleges in UCSD were the GEs and nothing else.</p>
<p>Any other differences?</p>
<p>Also, I am a male.</p>
<p>Well, there are some differences. I got in at ERC too…</p>
<p>I stayed there for a week of tennis camp two years in a row. It’s BEAUTIFUL!! The dorms are nice, a little small…but that’s just how it goes anywhere almost…The food is really really good. I like it. I put Muir as my first choice because one of the students told me that Muir is the best…but I’m really happy about ERC…</p>
<p>I really don’t know anything about the difference though, although I know there are a lot.</p>
<p>Differences between colleges are basically housing, food, GE’s and location on campus. I am in ERC! I absolutely love it - everyone is so spirited and fun. Our dorms are only 5 or 6 years old, they’re gorgeous. Food is not bad. Everyone complains about the GE’s, but honestly they’re just fine and you get through them. ERC is seriously amazing IMO. </p>
<p>If you have any specific questions about ERC or even UCSD I’d love to answer them!</p>
<p>Dude, I feel sorry for you… ERC has the second worst GEs next to Revelle. Unless you are Anthropology major, you will find 6 quarters of MMWs as useless, time-consuming craps… So many people in my dorms have suffered from MMW grades… it will f*** your GPA up…</p>
<p>^ It’s really not that bad. I promise.</p>
<p>^^^I just want to know: the GEs ARE doable right?</p>
<p>considering Aerospace Engineering.</p>
<p>You’re definitely going to have a tougher time with an engineering major but it’s for sure doable! A lot of the science/math GEs will already be fulfilled with classes you need for your major. I know plenty of engineering majors, science majors, etc. in ERC and they are just fine.</p>
<p>^^^Thanks a lot, this tougher time will supposedly prepare me for MIT as grad school. However, I don’t mind working hard and studying like crazy.</p>
<p>Writing Courses are hard pretty much with any college if you suck at writing. ERC just has more of it. MMW isn’t hard if you just stay on top of everything. A’s are manageable, unlike other colleges that limit the A’s they give.
I’m majoring in Electrical Engineering and I have a friend who’s a junior majoring in Electrical Engineering and has a 3.3 GPA. We’re both ERC.</p>
<p>^^^Thanks too!</p>
<p>I am good at writing (<em>relieved</em>)</p>
<p>the writing program sucks alot but the actual course material is very engaging…</p>
<p>i don’t know about other years but this year… ERC is where all the partying is at.
Alcohol, drugs, and “meeting” new girls runs aplenty here.</p>
<p>From what I’ve heard the writing program, while the longest, is actually the easiest (judging by the complaints of difficulty from other colleges), and in my opinion, the most interesting. MMW professors are amongst the best on campus. In addition I recommend taking those classes abroad since there are a ton of opportunities for that; it’s definitely worth it. Actually come to think of it most ERC requirements are designed for the purpose of studying abroad.</p>
<p>I heard there’s no partying at UCSD, regardless of the college. Haa.</p>
<p>that just said by the losers that stay in their dorms all day expecting parties to drop into their laps.</p>
<p>I just got accepted to ERC! I’m so excited!</p>
<p>I’m Anthropology. </p>
<p>So, are you going to SD for sure?</p>
<p>not sure,
I am still waiting for Harvard, Stanford, Princeton, UCLA, and CAL</p>
<p>if I get accepted to any one of my first three choices above, then I am going there for sure, otherwise UCSD or UCLA. It doesn’t really matter for undergrad, I just want to get my masters and doctorate from MIT. UCSD is one of the few GOOD schools that give a degree in Aerospace engineering.</p>
<p>So what would you major in for all the other colleges? Those also have aerospace engineering?</p>