How is it possible to take all prerequisite courses to apply for different programs?

<p>Hi all,</p>

<p>To clarify my question, what I mean is: Different Nursing programs (BSN) requires different prerequisite courses to be completed before a student can be eligible to apply to Nursing School. However, if I want to apply to several different nursing schools/programs in order to ensure the possibility of getting at least 1 acceptance, how can I finish every single prerequisite requirements from each different schools to be able to apply? Does this mean I have to take several courses from schools that isn't required for other schools??</p>

<p>I'm applying next fall to School "A" and is about to finish all of the pre-reqs for school "A." However, I also want to increase my chance of getting in, but when I look to apply to other nursing schools, they require other pre-reqs to be eligible to apply that school "A" doesn't require. So if I want to apply to several schools, does that mean I have to waste time taking all of the pre-reqs that different schools require??</p>

<p>Please help me ASAP! Thanks so much!</p>

<p>Typically you’d be taking prereqs for other schools over the summer, or use electives to take courses that would meet other schools’ prereqs. Some students do take a third year. </p>

<p>One of my kids applied to a few other pharmacy schools, and found himself in the same boat. His program had carefully ensured that he met the prereqs for his own school, but other schools had different prereqs. Some schools had so many different prereqs that he would have had to stay in school for an extra year to meet them. A few schools only had one or two additional prereqs. </p>

<p>Where there were only one or two additional classes, some of the schools told him that he might get a “conditional admission,” that would require that he take the missing prereqs over the summer or in the Spring Semester before admission. I’d check with schools though. These programs are so competitive that they might not offer conditional admissions. You also have to make sure that their prereqs are actually met by the classes that you take (ie, that they will view School A’s class as equivalent to their prereq requirement in that subject). It’s tricky and can be a lot of work, but it is possible.</p>

<p>Are you applying to a 2 year junior-senior nursing school program?</p>

<p>For the 4 year programs that I’ve looked at for my daughter, there are few required pre-requisites other than the science classes most college prep students take (chem, physics, bio), plus some strongly recommended classes (anatomy, stats, and advanced chem or advanced bio).</p>


<p>I am applying to a 2 year Junior-Senior program. I’m looking to apply to school A and B, school A only requires 1 sem of chemistry without lab, no physics, no organic chem. However, school B requires 1 full year of chem with lab, physics, organic chem…So it is much more effort to apply for school B. Maybe since I won’t make it in time to take all pre-reqs for different nursing schools, I’ll just apply to school A that I’m eligible for and hope for the best.</p>

<p>Apply to multiple programs, in any case. However, if a certain program requires much more science than you wish to take, that may tell you that they have a program that is very intensive in sciences, which may or may be appropriate for you.</p>