How is Purdue?

<p>For all the people who attend Purdue, how is it? Do you like it? Or wish you were somewhere else? Tell me about this college please.</p>

<p>I'll be applying this year, and I don't know if I should apply early action or not. Their admission is confusing. I don't get it. Could you please explain that to me as well? Thank you. :)</p>

<p>I just got here a week ago, and I love this place. The whole town revolves around Purdue, and when I first got here I thought I was just passing the find out a few minutes later that I'm actually ON campus. The campus is huge, so be prepared to walk a lot, or just get a bicycle and you won't ever have to worry. Haven't gotten around to use the buses yet though, because with my bike I can go anywhere, anytime. </p>

<p>The food in the dining halls are excellent. Dorm-wise, I can't really say for sure. I live in Harrison Hall, and I find my dorm room huge; I still have extra space for a lot of stuff (I've brought two huge suitcases of clothes, and have bought a laundry basket and I still have space for more - and I don't have a loft)</p>

<p>I found Purdue's admission process incredibly easy as opposed to the other universities like USC, UT at Austin etc. They have rolling admissions (it isn't early action/decision), which means the earlier you apply, the better (got my letter of admission by mid-November, and I applied in September) They only require you to write a personal statement, and you're done. </p>

<p>Hope that bit of information helps :)</p>

<p>I graduate from Purdue in Winter 2003. I really like the university and the campus. Even though the campus is sort of big but its is compact in terms of where each building is relative to each other. </p>

<p>In my experience, they had really good faulty. I really enjoy my experience there and was able to applied what I learn to what I do as a professional.</p>

<p>It does get pretty cold during the winter but hey it part of what college life is about. They also have a pretty good Football and Basketball program.</p>

<p>Does it feel like a big school? Are the classes too big? Are there many out of state kids? Overall liberal or conservative atmosphere?</p>

<p>I am a freshman at Purdue, and I love it so far. Whether campus seems big depends upon the program in which you enroll; I'm in Ag, and it doesn't seem large at all. Also, there is a University-wide Honors Program called the UHP that is in its second year. The program is wonderful but also is highly competitive in terms of admission. Honestly, I am oblivious to political atmospheres, so no help there. As for class sizes, it depends upon how specialized your courses are: three of my five courses are small (40 or fewer), and two are more lecture sized (i.e. entry level Bio and Calc), with 450 students and about 80, respectively.</p>

<p>Hope this helps, and good luck this fall!</p>

<p>Harry's Chocolate Shop..........</p>

<p>I'm a freshman at Purdue, and I love it here. No complaints at all. I'm originally from Seattle, and when I arrived in the midwest, I was pleasantly surprised to find all the people and students here to be extremely friendly. By the way, if you do decide to attend Purdue, try and get the Hilltop residence, all my buddies here are definitley going to try and get the hilltop residency again, next year.</p>

<p>^ My roommate, another friend living across the hall and I are going to try for Hilltop next year. They say the place is wonderful.</p>

<p>sorry to say, but hilltop really isn't all that great. get an off-campus house or apartment.</p>

<p>Is it just because of the walk uphill? Or in general?</p>

<p>in general. I have some friends who live there, and I slept the night in their apartment. I just don't like how it's situated. You're sharing a sleeping area with 3 other people. I like my privacy. Also, it has the same gross tile that's in the dorms, the same furniture (well, that varies a little). It's basically a dorm with a tiny kitchen and bathroom stuck on it. It's kinda a transition from dorm life to non-dorm life i guess you could say. And I didn't really like the dorms, so it wasn't all that great to me.</p>

<li><p>Hilltop is not as good as it sounds. There are still RA's who will partrol your room and bust your ass for drinking. I suppose if you're a freshman it wouldn't be that bad, but if you're sharing a residence with someone the dorms are so much more fun. Besides, the dorms are a lot closer to the food courts, and you don't have to walk up the dreaded Ross Ade hill to get to your room.</p></li>
<li><p>The enjoyment of your freshman year residency does sort of depend on your RA. Mine for example would not report us (his floor at least) for having alcohol in our room, or for having females present in the dorms past the 2AM curfew. </p></li>
<li><p>Make friends with your RA. Become a hall senator. </p></li>
<li><p>Please do not hang out with your high school friends exclusively.</p></li>
<li><p>Have fun! Stay out of the Tippecanoe County Jail!!!</p></li>