how is school going?

<p>It’s not a lack of tolerance, but you keep repeating the same thing over and over and what bothers me most about it is that YOU never went here, your kid did. So all you know about Miami is what you heard second-hand from your son/daughter, yet you have such strong negative opinions about the school.
And yes, everyone is entitled to their opinion, but when you come out and pretty much say that everyone at Miami is superficial and basically suggest that the student body is terrible, that’s awfully offensive to me and all of the good friends that I have here. Miami has been working hard during the Shalala regime to rid ourselves of our old reputation and it’s people like you that don’t allow us to. It’s very frustrating when we work so hard, in school and to be good people, and there are people like you who just write us off because we go to Miami and must be superficial and must do nothing but sunbathe all the time. If you don’t like Miami, fine, there’s nothing wrong with that, but stop coming in here and talking crap about a school I’m very proud to attend.</p>

<p>And as a side note, this is not to say there are no negatives about this school, I can give you a long list right now, and there’s nothing wrong with discussing those negatives, but you’re beating a dead horse here and it’s getting ridiculous.</p>

<p>I spent a lot of time on campus, I personally know quite a number of students who attend, plus my interaction with those that my son met on campus, in his frat, etc. I agree most definitely, not everything is bad about UM as I have stated previously. But I do stand by my statement that many of the kids are superficial and self centered and would leave you lying on the curb if push came to shove. You may not be one of them and you may have been lucky enough to meet some solid folks. I hope they prove to be loyal friends over the long haul. My son did meet a couple of good people, but they too, felt similar about the school population. </p>

<p>Then there’s the fact that Playboy ranked Univeristy of Miami the top U.S. party school…</p>

<p>again, not just me</p>

<p>I think I’ve made my point, so, yes, I will no longer beat a dead horse.</p>

<p>I think it’s time for everyone to agree to disagree and wish all our kids the best. Hopefully, they will all settle at a school in which they can thrive and have a fulfilling experience.</p>

<p>The Playboy rank was crap and you know it! They used “days of sunshine” , “brains”, and proximity to South Beach in order to rank. </p>

<p>Here is the Princeton Review top party school list:</p>

<li><p>Penn State University, State College, Pa.</p></li>
<li><p>University of Florida, Gainesville, Fla.</p></li>
<li><p>University of Mississippi, Oxford, Miss.</p></li>
<li><p>University of Georgia, Athens, Ga.</p></li>
<li><p>Ohio University, Athens, Ohio</p></li>
<li><p>West Virginia University, Morgantown, W.Va.</p></li>
<li><p>University of Texas, Austin, Texas</p></li>
<li><p>University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis.</p></li>
<li><p>Florida State University, Tallahassee, Fla.</p></li>
<li><p>University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, Calif.</p></li>
<li><p>University of Colorado, Boulder, Colo.</p></li>
<li><p>University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa</p></li>
<li><p>Union College, Schenectady, N.Y.</p></li>
<li><p>Indiana University, Bloomington, Ind.</p></li>
<li><p>DePauw University, Greencastle, Ind.</p></li>
<li><p>University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tenn.</p></li>
<li><p>Sewanee: The University of the South, Sewanee, Tenn.</p></li>
<li><p>University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, N.D.</p></li>
<li><p>Tulane University, New Orleans, La.</p></li>
<li><p>Arizona State University, Tempe, Ariz.</p></li>

<p>Guess what school does not even make the list?</p>

<p>Ah, the Playboy ranking - I guess some people pay attention to that stuff, but, as MiamiCane says, Donna Shalala has been working hard to change that image. And I believe Miami actually scored high on “brains” in that ranking as well. :wink:
Believe me, if kids want to party they will do that anywhere. Honestly, you will find superficial people everywhere, and there may be plenty at UM, but I know there are also lots of hardworking, down to earth kids there as well, just like life. It is up to the students to seek out like minded people who they enjoy hanging around, just like life. And a tour guide who comes across as superficial will turn some people off which is unfortunate, but that happens everywhere as well.
Since the U was not the right place for your son, Lily Moon, good for him for transferring, and I hope he learned from his experience, has moved on and is enjoying life where he is now.</p>

<p>My D told me today she is taking the shuttle out to the marine school to study in the RSMAS library because the on campus ilibrary is so packed with kids studying hard that there is no room. Students at Miami are serious about their studies.</p>

<p>^^^Mine would go to the Law School library!</p>

<p>"But I do stand by my statement that many of the kids are superficial and self centered and would leave you lying on the curb if push came to shove. "</p>

<p>At the risk of getting censured (again) for standing up to board bullies, here goes:</p>

<p>Lily Moon, you have purely anecdotal experience and rely on stereotypes. Do you 100% know every student? Can you verify that some, say 20%, for SURE would leave you lying on the curb? You don’t know my child, SVMMom’s child, my-3-sons child et al. Given your bitterness towards UMiami, one could replicate your behavior by putting forth the notion your child didn’t just leave Miami, but failed out. Is it true? I imagine you would say (with indignation) NO! But, you paint our children and their UM peers with a broad brush, belittling their accomplishments by making them sound like snobby, beach-obsessed party animals. I said it before, it works both ways…your move.</p>

<p>personally, as a UM freshman, you will find kids who are stuck up and rich (you will find these at EVERY school, especially IVY leagues) but I do agree there are more that are the “clubbing/south beach” type. </p>

<p>BUT i have met sooo many people who are down to earth and exactly the kind of people i hang out with. im not sure im gonna stay here next year, but I’m definitely excited for next semester (I go home tomorrow). I have so much more to do at UM, and one thing I will say, is I have been extremely impressed at UM and believe I have received the same if not better education as any of the other top schools I could have gone to (Vandy, Wake Forest, Duke among others)</p>

<p>Hello, I’m a freshman at the U and just got back home from my first semester. I must say I LOVE it there.</p>

<p>One of the greatest things is the accessibility of the profs. I could email one, after hours, and get a response back in a few hours (except, you know, if it’s dinner time or 2AM or something). They are always super willing to meet with you and help you out. They understand your personal situations (in my English class this last semester, one of my classmate’s computer died, along with her paper, and the prof didn’t make her re-write it, just to email it to her after her computer got fixed). I had AP credit for the chem I lab, but wanted to still try it out to see if the labs were any different. Since the lab didn’t start until after the add/drop period, the lab coordinator made special arrangements with me to be able to drop the class without a withdrawal! Everyone there is super-nice! Not to mention that they offer you an hour of free tutoring per week (two for math classes) per class if you’re stuck! And if you can’t make office hours, Profs are always willing to make special arrangements with you, it’s fantastic!</p>

<p>The weather is awesome (I mean, it’s Miami), you just always have to be sure to pack an umbrella just in case, and if it’s raining, don’t wear flip-flops because you’re going to slip on the brick pathway around the lake. The students are absolutely fantastic. Sure, you do have snobby rich kids (what private college doesn’t?), but if you don’t want to associate with them, it’s easy to find other, down-to-earth friends. That said, it’s really important to go to a bunch of the free activities they have during orientation, because you meet SO many people. I met some of my really, really good friends in Miami at a s’more BBQ organized by Rho Rho Rho (marine science honor society) on the first day of classes. One of them is very wealthy (Darien, CT anyone?), but she’s totally cool and down to earth. What you have to remember is, while some people may come from rich families, they’re soon on their own money-wise, a poor college student just like the rest of us.</p>

<p>There is a definite flavor to Hecht and Stanford. Hecht attracts more of the rich, party-minded kids (because they have a nice lobby and elevators that function well), and Stanford attracts the music students and the more academically minded (three study rooms, music practice rooms, and substance-free floors). But then, people mingle in-between dorms (a lot of my really close friends are in Hecht, and I’m in Stanford). Football is big at the school, but only really when you go to games. Sure, the campus is a lot emptier during games, but there are quite a few people who don’t ever go to games. It’s way emptier at Thanksgiving than during a football game: the campus is still alive during a game. Actually, there are less people out on campus on a Sunday morning at 10AM than during a game. </p>

<p>Academics is a real focus: during finals, they have hammocks and tents put up outside the library, the library is open 24 hours starting the last week of classes through finals, there is 24 hour quiet in the dorms starting right after classes end, they give you a couple days off to study for finals, they organize study breaks with tons of free food every night, etc. </p>

<p>All in all, Miami is a great place, and it’s not for everyone, but, then again, what college is?</p>

<p>^^ It is heartening to read your post! Son has decided to apply to UM, for Comp Science. I have been a tad worried due to the negative press for UM on these boards, but I must say that the positives posts are what made us go ahead with son’s decision.</p>

<p>He is not a partier, just a down to earth laid back super kid! He has his feet planted firmly on the ground so there is nothing really to worry about!! The academics faculty and the weather are top 3 on the list and UM meets those.</p>