How is the Computer Science program?

<p>How's the cs major @ VT? Is it very demanding? Is it easy to get a job after you graduate? What is the rank of VT's CS program?</p>

<p>The CS program is very good in that students are in high demand for jobs. At one time they had more companies interviewing than students (and the companies wanted to hire more than one student). VT isn’t going to be ranked as highly as a Carnegie Mellon or UC Berkeley but that really isn’t relevant if you receive a quality education and are in high demand after you graduate.</p>

<p>Any CS degree from a quality university will be demanding. How demanding it is depends upon your aptitude. If you find mathematics difficult then VT’s degree will be quite demanding.</p>

<p>What makes VT’s CS program a bit unique is that it’s part of the college of engineering, so you’ll still be learning fundamental engineering concepts. However, this also means that you’ll deal with similar workloads of regular engineering students.</p>

<p>If I remember correctly, however, after the first year, CS majors only take about a max of 15 credits- albeit, many of these classes have huge projects.</p>

<p>Most colleges offer CS separately from engineering, many even have it offered as a BA as opposed to a BS.</p>

<p>CompSci in Engineering isn’t so unique anymore. Many universities pair it either with Engineering or in a separate college with Math/Sciences. Either way you will be expected to take intro Chem and/or Physics (both at VT), math courses, and intro engineering courses along with other engineers. At VT you have to take 22 credits in Math - - one extra course qualifies as a Math minor. At some other universities you can get a CS degree with far fewer math courses.</p>

<p>First year standard courseload is 17 hours per semester. Fall Soph year is also 17 hrs but it’s only 15hrs after that. According to some current CS majors the homework in CS classes is minimal but as Mcroson said there are significant, time consuming, projects. </p>

<p>For what it’s worth, the Wall Street Journal survey of recruiters ranked VT CS program #5 in the nation.</p>