How long is everyone's college list?

<p>I know I won’t/can’t apply to them all. It is more of a interest list than a final list. I will get it down to under 20 once I visit some.</p>

<p>I’d say there’s about 15-20 schools I’d be interested in applying to, but I guess I’ve got some time to get that list down to a more reasonable number :P</p>

<p>I’m a senior, applying to definitely 16, maybe 18. Including 5 ivies + MIT, which I really don’t think I’ll get into.</p>

<p>Juniors: A lot of the supplemental essays overlap. And can be reused. And can be edited to fit other schools for which they don’t fit perfectly.</p>

<p>@OP = What did you apply to? US News Top 50? Every good school in the country? That is one crazy list.</p>

<p>^For the juniors, I think it’s supposed to be a thing (check with your guidance counselor or something) that the commonapp essays and the UC app essays never change. It wouldn’t hurt to start on those over the summer, I wish I had! </p>

<p>I applied so far to 5 schools, 1 ED, 1 EA, and 3 UC’s. I’ll hear back from the ED/EA schools in the next 2 weeks, and if it’s an acceptance from my ED school I’M DONE, so hopefully that’s what will happen. If I get a negative response from my ED school, but a positive one from my EA school, I’ll apply to two other schools. If it’s a negative from both EA and ED, I will probably apply to 5 safety schools.</p>

<p>I am a junior.</p>

<p>Sent from my SPH-D710 using CC App</p>

<p>Only five.</p>

<p>Four 10char</p>

<p>Only 3… TCNJ, Rutgers, and (unlikely) NYU.
I want to save money for medical school (hopefully at NYU)</p>

<p>6 Loyola Marymount, Santa Clara, U of San Diego, Regis, Marquette, and Fordham.</p>

NYU (NYC and Abu Dhabi)

<p>Wow! And people were looking at me crazy for my list. I applied to 13-15. Going where the money is.</p>

<p>36 colleges * $60 application fee = $2,160</p>

<p>No thanks. I have already applied to 4, and I have 2 more apps to do.</p>

<p>I’m a senior; applying to 4.</p>

<p>When you are a sophomore- junior, you tend to want to apply to all the schools you possibly can, but realistically (financially), it is unreasonable.</p>

<p>I’m only applying to a couple (2 states, 2 uc’s, and two others) because not many schools have a really good astronomy program.</p>

<p>Would you guys even want to go to all the schools on your list?</p>

<p>I’m a junior and I’m thinking about 8
Johns Hopkins
I’ve only visited Harvard and BU so far. I wouldve considered Yale if I didn’t live in ct</p>

<p>Got it down to 10. </p>

<p>I’ve applied to 4 so far and will be finishing 5 more applications before D-Day (deadline day), but I always liked the number 10, so I might just add another school that is either a super high reach or a safety.</p>

<p>I’ve got it down to 8!
Harvard (applied EA)
U of Washington: Seattle
Washington U.

<p>Applied to 16, accepted to 4/4, not receiving any more decisions. </p>



<p>i only got 2 for some reason</p>

<p>University of Colorado
University of Nebraska</p>


Yeah, haha… do you really want to go to all those schools? Would you be happy attending all of them? If not, take out the ones that don’t apply. And if you still have over 10 left, start being more fussy about what you want in a school… lol.</p>

<p>My friend has only four schools she likes… but the counselor is going to force her to apply to some more, since she’s such a top student and she doesn’t like the top 20-esque schools. Haha.</p>

<p>My list:
…I can’t remember the other ones atm</p>