How many 'C' you have during 2 yrs at CC?

<p>I'm now having 2 'C' as of the end of spring 09. But, I'm afraid that I'm going to have around 6 'C' (5 for UC courses)</p>

<p>is that bad when I gonna apply b-school or finance job after graduate?</p>

<p>Are the Cs in English?</p>

<p>hahaha nice.</p>

<p>you’re wrong guys. i’m going to get ‘F’ in english.</p>

<p>I believe you. </p>

<p>No sarcasm detected.</p>

<p>Trying to understand what’s happening here is like trying to read this statement:</p>

<p>“Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?”</p>

<p>so mean. just do better in your other courses, and you need english if your major requires a lot of writing, and you need english if you plan to climb up the corporate ladder or your industry even if you go into the sciences or engineering because people need to understand your arguments and they need to be understood also, no offense, just try harder or get help from online or at school</p>