<p>I'm an Australian who hopes to go on exchange to UCLA next year. I am going through the UCLA site trying to find out how classes are weighted. I'm clearly blind as I can't find it. I'm going through the fall 2009 schedule and I see classes that mention "Units: 5.0" is that what I'm looking for? It's very different at my school so I'm not sure.</p>
<p>What I need to know is how many classes per quarter I need to take in order to have a full class load and how many credits a class is generally worth. I'm in second year.</p>
<p>Any help will be appreciated!</p>
<p>ETA: Forgot to mention. I'm doing a double major in English and History if this makes any difference</p>
<p>Most classes are 4 or 5 units. These are quarter units that may be a bit different than what you have if you are on a semster system. Most people take 3-4 classes depending on the totals. I know that 19 units is considered “over loading” so it is safe to say that somewhere between 14-17 would probably be the norm. It would depend on the classes too. If you knew a couple were really difficult than you might want to just take 3. Or four 4 unit classes are doable. Also, they say you should expect to have 45 units after a school year is completed (3 quarters) so that would be 15 per quarter.</p>
<p>Okay that sounds about right. My school is rigid and says we need enough units to equal a full classload at our uni as well as the host university <em>facepalm</em>… so this is a really big help!</p>
<p>I knew someone from Sydney that came here for 1 year exchange. He was doing History and from what I saw, he was doing 3-4 classes each quarter, but mostly 3… Since you’re exchange, don’t take too many, just enough so that you have more time to do a lot of other stuff.</p>