How many JHU freshman students in pre med ?

<p>does any one know how many Johns Hopkins's freshman students at JHU are in pre med track every year ? </p>


<p>I’ve heard that ~25% are in the track as freshmen and over the four years people change their minds/drop out. Ultimately, ~20% complete it successfully (not 20% OF the 25%, just 20% of the class). So about 5% drop out of pre-health.</p>

<p>From 25% to 20%? If this is true, I believe the attribution of just 20% (1 - 20/25) is likely better than most other school (at least much better than most large public schools.)</p>

<p>Just a hypothetical question: Suppose that there are, say, 1200 students per class in JHU and 20% of these students in the graduating class, 240 students, are premed. How many of these students will end up in the top 10 percents of the graduating class, purely based on the GPA? (I know that my number about 1200 students per class may be incorrect. I just use it as an example.)</p>

<p>I admit I may be somewhat too obsessed with this question. I just want to know whether there is some truth in the common belief that it is more difficult to maintain a good GPA if you are a premed, or it is just a myth.</p>

<p>It’s highly suspect that only 25% of JHU freshmen start out as premed. Heck, judging by the size of the freshman gen chem class, 1/3 of Cornell freshmen start out as premed (and only 4 out of the 7 Cornell colleges generate any appreciable amount of premeds). The 20% ending number is more believable since JHU generates around 320 med school applicants a year.</p>