How many languages do you speak?

<p>I speak 3 and i'm conversational in spanish and work as a translator sometimes.</p>

<p>i would like to hear about your linguistic abilities.</p>

<p>Fluently: Mandarin, Arabic, English.
Learning: Portugese</p>

<p>ah speaka da engwish</p>

<p>Fluent/Conversational: English, Spanish, Portuguese (Brazilian), Chinese (Mandarin), Arabic (Egyptian)</p>

<p>English (native), Spanish (fluent), German (less fluent)
and C + +.
Interested in Japanese, but not yet in Kanji.</p>

<p>Fluent Spanish (some grammatical/spelling errors when writing, though) and English. A little French.</p>

<p>Oh, also some BASIC, currently learning Java.</p>

<p>4 fluent, German learning-medium:)</p>

<p>I’m fluent in English, French, and Croatian, and I’m conversational in Spanish. I know some basic American Sign Language and Japanese.</p>

<p>English and Tagalog. Java and HTML (lol).</p>

<p>Oh yeah, I forgot I can write some HTML/XHTML as well.</p>

<p>I have a tiny bit of ability for reading some of the other romance languages as well, such as Portuguese, Italian, and Latin.</p>

<p>cool to see alot of multilinguals here!</p>

<p>13 if computer languages count</p>

<p>1 if we are still talking about the human race - eng</p>

<p>Zero languages.</p>

<p>I hate the term fluency. You are fluent in Chinese if I you can read Romance of Three Kingdoms and the Dream of the Red Chamber in their archaic forms as you read Victorian novels, and interact with Chinese people of various dialects without major obstacles.
You are fluent in French when you can read Proust like James Joyce, and write your sentence with Cartesian precision.
And as for Spanish, yeah, read that Don Quxiote in its entirety! >:]
For me, it is still troublesome when communicating with Chinese people. I hardly hold any interesting conversation with Taiwanese, and with Chinese, they can easily tell from the way I speak that I’m a foreigner. Of course, they’d compliment on my fluency, but they know that you are not “one of them” per se.
Language is a difficult thing to study. Especially now, I know I will never be as fluent in either Chinese or English as the “native speakers.” What a shame.</p>

<p>Native speaker of English
High(-ish) level Japanese proficiency
Slightly lower proficiency at German
Basic Greek</p>

<p>ROCKERMCR: tu parles francais? tu viens d’ou? tu l’a appris en France ou aux States? well i speak languages fluently( french, english, spanish) and i am learning chinese in school and japanese by myself ( a little hard!) i love languages!! maybe cause since i am little i live in miami with my french family and my spanish friends(lol)… je vous embrasse!! a bientot!! hasta la vista!!</p>

<p>I’m fluent in Spanish and English of course. I’ve been learning French for a long time but not really fluent in it. Know some Italian. Luv languages!</p>



<p>I recently read Rousseau’s Discourse on the Origins of Inequality in its entirety, so does that make me fluent in French?</p>



<p>Je suis canadien et je vais </p>

<p>Je etais content que je peu comprends une fraction de les mots LaVieEnChocolat et ROCKERMCR.</p>

<p>…dammit, I need to practice a lot more.</p>