<p>Okay so I'm a senior, already sent all my apps.</p>
<p>My grades are pretty mediocre. I'm passing everything, everything is a B or higher. But the problem is that with some of my classes, it doesn't matter what I get on my final, my grade is too far in the middle to be affected. So I just say forget about it and don't study, and just relax. I haven't studied at all and it just feels weird. I feel guilty but I keep trying to convince myself how meaningless this all is. Getting A's means nothing, it's all so insignificant (well at least now it is). I just want to enjoy my last year of doing nothing. High school is a joke compared to what's to come.</p>
<p>like my english and physics grades were each an 85. unless i COMPLETELY failed it or got 100%, i'd still have a B. so i didn't study, and instead watched american idol :D</p>
<p>(i got a 70 on the physics one and an 86 on the english one)</p>
<p>I've always had A's on all my exams, and I am always just talking in class. I guess testing is just my thing. I can do a lot with even the most general understanding of subjects.</p>
<p>I'm just a junior but I studied for about half. Winged about half.. Next year I know I won't study as long as I have a B+ or higher. cause it won't matterrrr!</p>
<p>Accounting- Didn't Study at all
Chem- reread all the chapters.. yikes.
US History.- just looked over the study guide
English- crammed. but it was wasted it was still unbelievably hard.
Spanish- didn't study
Pre-Calc- just asked about a few concepts i knew I had forgotten but didn't "study"
Yearbook- didn't study</p>
<p>I find it pointless to study for exams. With the way grades are averaged here, exams have little, if any, weight on your final grade -- whether you pass or fail! Not even 100% on an exam could change of my grades significantly enough to bump up a letter or - to +.</p>
<p>I even attempted "studying" this morning by flipping through my Calculus notebook minutes before the exam was handed out, but then I was glad that I didn't waste time studying, because I knew pretty much everything in my notes/HW already. </p>
<p>Studying just doesn't work for me, it's pathetic that I'm a junior and I have never really studied either.</p>
<p>^I got As on my physics midterm and final, which brought me from a low B to a B+/A- (88-91 is like teacher discretion; usually the teacher goes by the average) for the year. I had gotten Bs in the class, but had worked hard and the teacher knew it.</p>
<p>Math: <em>Panic</em> I haven't started studying, and oh god, I only have a 96 and the final is worth 20% of the grade!!
Chem: <em>oh god</em> I'm done with three out of the four days of the final, and I'm really not doing well, at all, I need to study so much
Bio: Blah, don't really care, all are tests are easy.
World: Oral report, ugh I hate it so much
English: Essays, can't prepare.</p>
<p>So yeah, I should be madly studying right now.</p>
<p>For me, it depends on the class. My average in Math is a 98, I know almost everything on the midterm...It's just a matter of skimming through old notes and rewriting simple formulas and concepts the night before to review. Ditto History.</p>
<p>Honestly, the one I've studied for most so far has been Music, mostly because I haven't done anything in class all semester. That sounds lame, though :]</p>
<p>I did my English final essay the night before it was due and got a 90.
Studied for Anatomy and got a 96, the only one I really studied for...too many diagrams NOT to.</p>
<p>chem-easy class
micro-bsed my way thorugh it and im good at multiple choice
linear algebra/diff eqs-regular test, got 100
english-easy stuff
calculus ab-might actually have to study, final is friday but I have all day toomm hopefully i wqont proctstnate</p>
<p>Haven't yet, but finals are this coming week...I'll probably study jut a little this weekend.</p>
<p>The thing is the only class I have a real FINAL for is my Econ class. My others I have essays and projects and stuff. So I don't have a whole lot of work to do anyway.</p>
<p>Hon. English 11: Teacher told us not to study, was just a couple essays
AP Govt: Studied for 2 hrs, think I did well
AP French: Studied none, think I did well
AP Chem: Studied for 4 hrs, think it was okay
Pre-Calc: Studied for three hrs, got a 57 (holy **** this sucks)</p>
<p>Yeah, the pre-calc one just brought my quarter grade from an 89.45 to a 72. Midterms are 20% of our semester grade. Is this a lot?</p>