How many SAT II s?

<p>How many SAT IIs would you recommend?</p>

<p>If I have to take two, </p>

<p>I would choose
math 2c

<p>But I don't know what I should choose for the third one. </p>

<p>I came to US a year ago as an international student, </p>

<p>so definitely foreign language and history is out of the option, (would've taken only two years of spanish by the time I finish junior year, and I did take US history last year only that I forgot all about it)</p>

<p>and my college counseller says that I should take the SAT II Writing (?) Listerature(Not sure what it's called), in order to show that I can be good in english although I am an international student.</p>

<p>But definitely, I believe that English is not my "strong" subject...
I would want to take another science SAT II, but I would have to study it all by myself. </p>

<p>And I am not even sure if many pretigious colleges take 3 SAT IIs...</p>

<p>What colleges are there that REQUIRES 3 SAT IIs?
and would you recommend that I, as an international student, take an English SATII, although it might not bring the highest scores,? Is SAT II english hard??</p>

<p>Well if you mean the literature, I think it’s hard. But of course, english is not my strongest subject. Also, it depends on the college you’re going to. Most colleges require two or just “highly recommend” it. I applied to UCs , they require 2, so I took extra because they will look at the top 2 scores.</p>

<p>It is critical to look at each college’s admission requirements before you make a final decision about which SAT IIs you will or won’t take. Some colleges don’t require any, some require three. If required, the usual number is two, but of those schools that require two subject tests, a number have specific requirements about which two, and frequently, they want one language arts/history/social sciences and one science/math. There are also quirks, like, the Univ of California system will not accept the Math 1 test…only Math 2…if you submit Math.</p>

<p>Do your homework. Good luck!</p>