How many units do most students take per quarter?

<p>Econ 41 is much harder than the former Stats 11, I can vouch for that. If you need proof, check the bruinwalk reviews for "Buchinsky" -- he's the last person to have taught econ 41, winter quarter 2006. What happened was, people felt stats 11 (the intro stats for econ majors) was too easy and didn't prepare them at all for econ 103 (econometrics, basically a much harder stats class). So the department got rid of Stats 11 and moved the intro stats class to the econ department, creating econ 41. They attempted to address the issue of students being underprepared for econ 103 by essentially making econ 41 much harder than what stats 11 used to be.</p>

<p>so there is only 1 teacher teaching a class like econ 41 or econ 101 per quarter? and sometimes there are teacher changes every quarter? for bizecon, should i be taking like the writing II requirement, maybe math 31a or b, and some GE? u guys recommend 3 or 4 classes? and as for we just choose any class that we are interested in or what since there are so many, or are there some we should take?</p>

<p>If I will receive AP credit for math 31a and b for bizecon, is it okay to not take any calculus at UCLA?</p>

<p>Units don't really matter and aren't always an accurate measure of courseload. I am taking 16 units right now, for example, which translates to 4 upper division classes, and let me tell you, I want to die... whereas when I was taking 18 units fall quarter + marching band I was totally fine.</p>

<p>"If I will receive AP credit for math 31a and b for bizecon, is it okay to not take any calculus at UCLA?"
yep, you dont have to take any calc</p>

<p>so there is only 1 teacher teaching a class like econ 41 or econ 101 per quarter? and sometimes there are teacher changes every quarter?
yes, there's only 1 teacher per quarter usually, and it almost always changes quarter to quarter</p>

<p>so when do u guys suggest i take econ 11, 101, or 41 since u guys say its really hard?</p>

<p>i suggest roughly:
econ 11: spring freshman year (winter if you feel you've adjusted really well your first quarter)
econ 101: the quarter after you take 11</p>

<p>41: whenever you want from winter freshmen year onward.</p>

<p>i personally took econ 11 spring freshman year, econ 101 fall sophomore year. i took econ 41 winter of my sophomore year. and i'm very ahead in the biz-econ major, i could graduate midway through my junior year if i wanted to. you'll have plenty of time. I know people that are just starting taking econ 2 winter or spring of their sophomore years. granted, they're probably behind, but just saying, there's lots of leeway.</p>

<p>so other than econ 11, 101, 41, your other classes were GE's? what kinds of GE's did u take and should we take GE's that are easy to get an A in or what?</p>

<p>You shouldn't take a GE just because its an easy A. You should take one you're interested in because if you're bored silly, you probably won't do as well compared to a class that you are actually interested in the subject material.</p>

<p>so are there like popular GE's that are fun/easy that a lot of people take and fill up fast? what are these classes and can u guys recommend any GE classes to take?</p>

<p>I'd recommend Classics 42, and Women Studies 10. </p>

<p>I do NOT recommend Phlios 8 or Hist 1A... (two classes I feel asleep in practically every morning)</p>

<p>There are some GEs that fill up quickly like Arts&Arch 10. It filled up by the end of first pass which was ridiculous IMO.</p>

<p>are most GE classes huge like a few hundred students? i have a question about gpa requirement to get into a major like buzecon. like for buzecon, is the gpa requirement only of those classes that are "prereqs" for the major or do they also include GE classes?</p>

<p>they look at everything, but not every factor is equally weighted. you can find out everything on <a href=""&gt;;/a> under the bizecon link. and most GE's are a few hundred students.</p>

<p>and no offense, but why do you have so many questions? you haven't even started yet, just relax. you'll find out most of this stuff very quickly when you go to orientation or when you start the year anyway. knowing this info ahead of time isn't really going to help you all that much.</p>

<p>Why does Arts&Arch 10 fill up so fast?</p>

<p>because it's notorious for being extremely easy, thus people flock to it.</p>

<p>Oh...I thought it was interesting or something...oh well. :|</p>

<p>wouldnt it be smart if u took easy GEs to boost your gpa? what other classes are easy/popular/fill up fast?</p>

<p>Answer to your first question: yes, that's exactly what a lot of people do. You'll find out what GEs are easy when you get here or at orientation --it's a popular topic of discussion among new students.</p>

<p>Atmos Sci 2 & 3 are ridiculously easy, and I'm not just saying that because Atmos Sci is my major... typically, the "easy" classes, as bad as this may sound, are the classes with the most athletes in them, and since athletes have priority enrollment, the classes that fill up early are bound to have lots of athletes.</p>

<p>will we know at orientation which easy GE's or popular GEs to take or what? or do a lot of people know what to take already before?</p>