<p>you'll find out, stop worrying, seriously.</p>
<p>^ditto.... obsessive questioners need to know that things wont necessarily go as planned at a place like ucla. theres a lot left to fate.</p>
<p>Seriously, I didn't know about sites like bruinwalk, or this, when I was a freshman, and we didn't have facebook, and everything turned out alright.</p>
<p>I don't think there's anything wrong with asking questions. I'm also curious in learning as much as possible about how the academic system works at UCLA.</p>
<p>Nothing wrong with asking questions, of course, but don't fret about every single detail. Just know that, most likely, everything will turn out alright... don't stress.</p>
<p>Yea, I try my best to answer questions here, but I agree with jhype17 that people shouldn't stress out about these little things that don't matter yet. And by the time those things matter, you'll know how to deal with them, because everyone's going through the same thing.</p>
<p>You need to average 15 unit per quarter, 3 quarters per year, to accumulate enough credits (180) to graduate in 4 years. So let that be your baseline. I would think over the course of a year, you might have 2 quarters with 16 units and then one quarter with 12 units. Of course since thats only 44/year, you need to pick up some more units along the way.</p>