How many?

<p>I know most colleges only ask for 2 recs but my sister was telling my that a lot of kids send more than two. If you have sent more than one how did you go about doing this? And is it a good idea?</p>

<p>Also my Stanford app says not to include my own separate reseme so does that mean I can include my reseme for other college apps?</p>

<p>Typically colleges ask for two teacher recommendations, one counselor recommendation. What I've <em>heard</em> is that most colleges don't like having surplus papers to go through. "A thick application = equal applicant" or so it goes. </p>

<p>Past students at my school have applied to colleges only asking for one teacher recommendation but they still submit two. How it goes is that teacher's type up the recommendations with "To whom it may concern", print it out, gives to counselor, counselors puts both in the packet made for the school along with their rec, your transcript, school profile, etc. It's no biggie.</p>

<p>I think you <em>can</em> include your resume for other colleges, but if it's mainly a copy of your extra curriculars, don't see the point in it...</p>

<p>Hope it helps, and good luck. :)</p>