How much aid could I get?

<p>Hi! I'm a rising senior and Miami's my top choice, but I would need quite a bit of aid to attend - here are my stats:</p>

<p>Gender - Female
Race - Caucasian
State - VA</p>

<p>Weighted GPA - 4.2
Unweighted GPA - school doesn't report
Class Rank - school doesn't rank, but my counselor told me I'm roughly top 15-20% (very competitive public high school)
ACT - 32 (first sitting, may or may not take again)
SAT - 1970 (probably won't send this in)
SAT II - US History: 780, Literature: 670
APs -
Sophomore Year
World History: 5
Junior Year
Psychology/US History/Language&Composition: Don't know yet (I'm feeling pretty confident about them though)
Senior Year
Environmental Science/Government/AB Calculus/Literature&Composition: Have yet to take
Other Stuff -
FCCLA: Member since 9th grade, officer for 11th and now 12th
Best-in-State for Life Event Planning (10th) and Advocacy (11th)
Silver medal at Nationals for Life Event Planning, going to Nationals in a week for Advocacy
Karate: Training since Dec. of 9th grade (currently a brown belt)
Volunteered summer of '09 at their kids' camp, got paid summer '10
Worked part-time (6 hrs/week) in karate after-school kids' program 2010-2011, working full-time this summer ('11) at summer camp
Competed in US Capital Sabaki Challenge (semi-contact), got first place
French Honor Society: Since 10th grade
National Honor Society: Since 11th grade</p>

<p>So what do you guys think?</p>

<p>Anybody got any ideas?</p>

<p>Based on what I’ve seen on this forum for the past couple years, I’d say probably a $16,000 scholarship. But it’s hard to say, since your class rank is a little high…</p>

<p>I have a friend that will be going to Miami this fall. His stats were about like yours, and he got about 24,000 a year.</p>

<p>Thanks for the responses! I just wanted to update my stats a bit; got 5s on all my AP exams and a silver medal for my advocacy project. I know it probably doesn’t change anything, but if anyone has anything else to add it would be very much appreciated!</p>