How much AP English is enough?

<p>After a 5 on the AP Lang test, is taking AP Lit redundant for an engineering major?</p>

<p>At my school, AP Lang is a junior class, which I took and received a 5 on the test. AP Lit is a senior class, and this year is unfortunately offered either during my AP Calc B/C or AP Bio classes. I want to go into biomed, so English literature won't be terribly important, but sometimes I like to seem well-rounded, y'know? If I <em>really</em> needed AP Lit, I could mess with my schedule and take calc at a local college or something. I'm also planning on self-studying AP Physics (the class is a waste of time), and along with AP Lit, I'd be able to get that AP National whatever thing, and I got all excited about that before I saw my messed up senior year schedule. </p>

<p>So basically, this is part whining and part asking if two AP English credits are overdoing it for an engineering major, and if this AP National thingamabob is worth anything at all. Thanks a bunch!</p>

<p>Yeah it'd kinda overkill... I'm going into pharmacy and not even taking advanced english....i am taking AP Chem, AP Calc, and the AP Govn't, but considering you got a 5 on the grammer section i mean are you really going to have to analyze symbolism of characters for biomed??</p>

<p>Zumy, AP Lang is not "the grammar section." The course is mostly about analyzing other peoples' writing techniques and honing one's own writing skills.</p>

<p>supermurgatroyd, AP Lit wouldn't be redundant (much different focus than Lang), but it's not going to help you any on the road to being a biomed major so I would go for the Calc and Biology.</p>

<p>I'm curious though: your school doesn't require you to take 4 years of English? We have to take 4 credits of English here to graduate.</p>

<p>Hamster, same here. We are required to take 4 English, 3 Mathematics, 3 Science, 4 Social Studies, 1 Business & Technology, 1/2 Health, 1 Fine Art, 1 Advance Seminar** (Not required if you are in IB, Pre-AP, 2 or more AP, 3 or more cumulative AP, SOAR, or Base Pair your senior year) 7 1/2 Electives <strong><em>(25 Total)</em></strong></p>


<p>AP English Language is not even offered at my school; we only have AP English Literature, and that's for seniors ONLY.</p>

<p>The only reason that I would say that you might want to take AP Lit is if the colleges you are considering give credit for it and it is required for your major. However if it conflicts with classes that you are more likely to get credit for and interest you a lot more, then I would stick with Calc and Bio. You can always, if need be, take a lit course in college. </p>

<p>As for the AP National awards, if you're already a rising senior, then it's not worth anything at all. The only people that it might be useful for is juniors who can actually include it on their college applications when they apply in the fall of their senior year.</p>

<p>Hamster - We have to take 4 years of English as well, and since AP Lit doesn't fit into my schedule, I'll have to take dumb semester courses like creative writing and stuff. BUT, I think I'll live. Looks like senior year will be a breeze! And I won't worry about the AP National award either, it just sounded cool.</p>

<p>Pssst - tanman, whatcha gonna study at JHU?</p>