How much $ can I get???(scholarship) if any


<p>GPA - 4.1 or 4.2 (no clue unweighted)</p>

<p>class rank - top 10% or 15%</p>

<p>Sports teams - Track, Rugby, Cross Country</p>

<p>Clubs - asian club, itialian club, spanish club, chess club, beta club, nhs,
njhs , diversity counsel, science club, art club, young republicans society, bowling club, investment club, debate team</p>

<p>Leadership positions - Founder & President of Italian club, Vice-President of chess club, future founder of recycling club(work in progress), manager of the cross country team</p>

<p>Never made a "C"</p>

<p>Volunteer - 79 hours for a childrens museum and 49 for Habitat for Humanity and volunteered at an event for prostate cancer awareness(more coming this summer) </p>

<p>"Advance Classes" - AP human geography, AP art history, AP english (junior and senior year), AP statistics, AP calculus, AP U.S. history, pre-ap english, honors biology, honors chemistry, honors physical science, honors geometry, honers algebra II, </p>

<p>P.S. - will it help me get into kelly school of business if I am taking business law 1 and 2, accounting 1 and 2, and business management 1 and 2???</p>

<p>I'm guessing you can get $7,000 a year, $28,000 total if you are not from Indiana. And yes, you should probably be able to get direct admit status to Kelley--those classes are just the type they are looking for--along with higher level math, and preferably some extracurriculars showing leadership at your high school.</p>

<p>Good luck.l</p>

<p>hmm.. act score is a bit low for such a high gpa student. If you can, retake the ACT.
I barely studied and still pulled a 29.</p>

<p>I don't think you'll get in as a direct admit, you need a 29 on your ACT. However I do agree you could get $6000-$7000 a year if you're out of state.</p>

<p>I think a 29 ACT automatically gets you in to kelley. I don't think you must have a 29 ACT to get in as a direct admit (atleast that's what the admissions rep told us). All applicants in the range of the Kelley standards, especially if you apply early have a shot but no guarantee (as you would if you scored 29 ACT 1270 SAT and 3.5 GPA).</p>

<p>in my view, with a 4.1 GPA and top 10%, student-123 has a chance of gaining direct admission .</p>

<p>Student-123, have you applied already?</p>

<p>Well, I'm just saying the website says in order to be a direct admit you need a 29. I know people that had 27's and 28's that didn't get in. You can appeal but from what I remember they are somewhat strict.</p>

<p>your probably right jason</p>

<p>Well, I am 16 and just started my junior year, so its gonna be awhile before I apply. I just new all of the classes I am taking next year. Also, I am at a large school and have around 750 kids in my grade is 75/750 just as good as say....15/115???</p>

<p>You'll get a scholarship...I just don't know how much.</p>

<p>When I emailed the school, I told them I had a 3.7, top 10% rank...and they said I need a 26 on the ACT to get a scholarship.</p>

<p>So I'm pretty sure that means you'll get one.</p>