How much Credit can be transfer?

<p>"All Texas public colleges and universities will accept up to 66 credit hours from community colleges, but some will accept more. Your academic advisor can help you choose courses that will transfer."</p>

<p>Is this true? I'm glad I saw this because I WILL have 54 after Spring and was going to to take 8 Credits for Summer and 12-14 Credits for Fall 2012.</p>

<p>Anyone Transfer with more?</p>

<p>Transfer</a> From DCCCD</p>

<p>Well, That may be true, but transfer credits will not go into account for getting your Aggie ring! you have to have at least 40 hours “in residence” at A&M! I had 30 transfer in and I am taking 12 transfer this summer! if you have access to Howdy their is a transfer credit guide, or I am sure A&M has a guide on their website! But i am sure you will be fine? But my guess is if you contact an Academic advisor in your department you are interested in, they should be able to help!</p>

<p>I transferred with credit for 80+. 67 counted towards my degree. TAMU is actually really lax about transfer credit. Most schools say you need 60 hours in-residence but TAMU just has a 36 credit rule for junior and senior level classes. They can be less strict like that to keep kids applying but for many programs you won’t get accepted with that many hours. Also, if you are at a CC then all your hours passed 60+ probably won’t be needed anyway…</p>