How much discount do you receive for software at your bookstores?

<p>At my university bookstore most software sell for their retail price. However, I've heard from my friends that sometimes there are huge discounts, eg. Windows XP for $15. </p>

<p>Are there great discounts for Windows Office and Photoshop at your school?</p>

<p>More like no discount…</p>

<p>How about it is the university bookstore’s job to rip students off. Especially in rural towns where students have no other place to go.</p>

<p>Yeah, I paid about $60 for MS Office and $220 for Adobe Photoshop CS3 last year at my campus technology store…I saved probably $900.</p>

<p>If you mean by charging ten times the normal sales price, then my college offers a wonderful discount.</p>

<p>They were charging $15 for a pack of ten pencils, no joke.</p>

<p>yeah everything at my school’s store is extra expensive,</p>

<p>i am not sure how they are allowed to charge us so much money being a “non-profit” store</p>

<p>software at my school is usually free, the most for any software is like $15</p>

<p>I got Office 2007 for $10 and Mathcad for $12 at my university bookstore. I think they also so sell Vista enterprise for $10.</p>

<p>I am fixing to get Office Pro Plus for 79.00 through through my school. Its a website they send us to.</p>

<p>I got mine through </p>

<p>[Microsoft</a> Office for Students - The Ultimate Steal](<a href=“]Microsoft”></p>

<p>It was only 64 bucks</p>

<p>I got my son Office Ultimate at The Ultimate Steal too. If you’re a Computer Science student, you can get Windows for free or a few bucks if your school is a member of the Microsoft Academic Alliance. You can also get free professional developer tools. The CS department should have the installation CD-ROMs or DVDs.</p>

<p>I think that you’d be better off with Office Ultimate than Office Pro Plus.</p>

<p>I can’t use the ultimate steal because I don’t have a credit card. :(</p>

<p>I really don’t see a difference between pro plus and ultimate. They only have 1 program difference. Ultimate has Groove and Pro Plus has Communicator. And basically they look like the same program. And Ultimate is 10.00 cheaper then the website that my school get software from. I think I will stick with Pro Plus.</p>

<p>Darn, I wish I knew about that site before buying my laptop and paying crap prices for Office.</p>

<p>Check out, they have pretty good student discounts on things like office and photo shop.</p>