<p>Do you just answer questions when teachers ask, or voluntarily answer questions?
And when you ask questions, are they to clarify thing/ask for explainations, are they smart witty questions, or do you not ask questions?</p>
<p>I usually answer questions regularly, or that I know that I’ll get right, and ask questions about how to do some assignments, clarify,etc. </p>
<p>I try to participate as much as I can but usually all the smart kids answer everything ._.</p>
<p>Personally, all of my teachers seemed to like me as I participated constantly in class, while smart occasionally they were mostly smart sarcastic questions sort of poking fun at them. Almost nobody else participated though which was odd.</p>
<p>Without my friend and me, AP US History would have been very boring. I’ll just leave it at that…</p>
<p>I try to answer questions consistently (2-3 times a class, roughly, depending on the teacher and subject). I ask for clarification when I have something to ask about (frequency is then pretty random… but usually on the rare side).</p>
<p>I participate like crazy. I don’t even have to think about it, it just happens! I talk too much naturally and participation is just an extension of that! I voluntarily answer questions. A bonus of that is that they don’t ever call on you when you don’t know the answer ^_^.</p>
<p>My questions are a mix of smart witty ones and clarification ones, and sometimes random “what if” questions.</p>
<p>I sit and absorb the information. I may ask on a rare occasion if I’m motivated enough. I wish I were a little more interactive, but everything I have to say is kind of stupid. lol</p>
<p>If I’m comfortable with the teacher, I’ll participate and talk tons. If I’m not, I’ll sit back and probably doze off.</p>
<p>I participate a lot in math and physics, some in English, and as little as possible in French</p>
<p>Never participated in english, sometimes participated in history and spanish, participated a fair amount in math science.</p>
<p>Reason for not speaking in english was because the conversations tended to disturb me when I followed them…so I stopped following them.</p>
<p>conversations in history also annoyed me, but sometimes, if i was being attentive, I would ask for clarifications.</p>
<p>in spanish the content is obviously meaningless, and i don’t really care to get positive feedback for using correct grammatical structures.</p>
<p>in math I gave simple numerical answers when asked for, sometimes asked random other questions.</p>
<p>In science i asked a lot of questions because science is confusing, but I didn’t usually feel satisfied with the answers, i.e the confusion was not often resolved.</p>
<p>Lol I’ve lost count of the awkward silences that take place when any sort of feedback is requested. Then someone will be brave and break the silence finally with a little participation. XD</p>
<p>I usually have a lot of things I would like to say, but I am too shy to interject. It’s rather silly, though.</p>
<p>Never in french, science or math.
Sometimes in history or english. If I’m feeling chatty. </p>
<p>If I do talk, its to ask a question about the assignment.</p>
<p>im like the only kid to answer, maybe because my schools is a majority of preppy blonde hot girls and really sports-oriented, idk, it gets boring after a while.</p>
<p>It depends on the class/subject. If no one else raises their hand (like in those really awkward silent classes) then I’ll probably answer, but for other classes there are people more eloquent then me who’ll answer 10x better.</p>
<p>I normally only raise my hand to point out some outlandish but correct exception to what the teacher said, correct my teacher’s mistake, and answer a question per class for participation points or to be able say I’ve been participating if my grades aren’t great.</p>
<p>Math: I typically participate a lot, since most of the others sit back and stare blankly at the board.</p>
<p>Science: Same as math.</p>
<p>English: I try to participate, but I’m not that great at English, so… yeah.</p>
<p>History: I like participating, just because my teachers are awesome.</p>
<p>Spanish: I try not to, but our teacher forces us to.</p>
<p>I answer the majority of questions asked in most classes. My classmates normally don’t participate much. When I ask questions, they are normally the witty kind. I like sparking discussion.</p>
<p>I rarely participate in my class. If my teacher picks on me, then i have to answer, but if not, i just let other people talk. I get really nervous when i speak when people are listening to me–especially last year in AP English.</p>